Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

(click on the button to see more wonderful pictures of wild birds)

Our lake is a flutter with pelicans.  It has been two years since the ice on our lake melted early enough for them to come here for a "bed and breakfast" before they continue their migration up north.  Yesterday there were a few straglers, this morning there were over one hundred of them.  They must have arrived at night.  They stay in an inlet on the north end of the lake.  During the day they fly around to different lakes on the chain and then return to their inlet at night.  What a joy!

 Oops ... a stranger in their midst ... the eagles have been showing up as well :)

For more information and for the sound of the Pelicans click here

Happy WBW!


NF Trees and Bushes

click button to join in on the very first NF Trees and Bushes :)

This is a very large branch on a very large old Oak tree that I see out my window every day.  I will chronicle it through the year as Monica suggested, though I doubt that the owl will be there again :)

A toast to new beginnings!


Friday, March 27, 2015

Hootin' Annie's Challenge

Hootin' Annie found an A for Annie in a natural state and challenged the rest of us to find our initial somewhere, anywhere in a natural state ... well here's my effort, though none of them are as clear as Annie's.  So it is A for Andrea ...

This one you may need some help with ...

now can you see it?

Not exactly natural, but an A-frame is a given ...

So there you have it.  If you have seen your initial somewhere, join Hootin' Annie's challenge ... it is open until March 31st.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Weekend Reflection

I won't try to explain this one to you ... you had to be there :)  Suffice it to say, the window looking out is the refelection ...


Feline Art Friday

(click button to see other fun art at )

This sweet little boy (or not so littleboy) is waiting patiently for someone to come along and turn the water on so he can get a drink.  

Enjoy your weekend, everyone ...


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good Fences

A change of pace ... this fence surrounds a restaurant on my way to the dentist (ugh!).  
Happy Good Fences, Everyone :)


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme

I wouldn't call myself a bird fanatic, though I probably am ... especially with the raptors, but bird art seems to be my favorite thing to do.   So, hope you like birds too and can enjoy my efforts.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

(click button for more awesome birds)

It is quite a shock for these poor birds ... one day it is in the 50's and the next it is in the 20's.  You can just see the grumpy looks as they try to cope with the cold wind off of the lake.

Even the Sea Gulls feel the need to huddle until the sun warms things up a bit.

Happy WBW everyone ...


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...