Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday's Critters

Hmmm ... not what you would expect to see on a country road in the Chicago Area :) And click on the bonus video, it is really cute ...

Also linked to Camera Critters ...


TexWisGirl said...

we have a few in the area here, too. :)

eileeninmd said...

Well, that is an unusual sight and critter to see.. Great shot and thanks for the baby owl link.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

ulla laiho said...

Lovely picture - you do not see the camels every day.

Elephant's Child said...

Love it. And owls are always a winner. Thank you.

Pat said...

Love the camels! Those owlets are adorable.

Jeanne said...

Love these camels and looks as if they have a lovely winter coat! That is not , like you said something you would expect to see in Chicago.... but , one of the things i love about big cities is... diversity... and this definitely represents that. Keep warm!

Jeanne said...

oh and that baby owl video so cute, although I did jump when the baby pecked on the camera lens. Scared me!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes that is unusual but I watched the vide which was excellent and nearly jumped out of my skin when the baby owl peeked the camera for the first time. Have a lovely weekend.

Jeanne said...

Yes, it is surprising how many in my area keep exotics. You don't have to get too far out of the city to find them. The baby owl video is priceless!! Little thing still isn't sure what is edible and what is not.

The Queen Jester said...

Loved the owl video. I almost quit watching when the owl flew away but then the babies came up out of the tree. It made me jump (and laugh) when he tried to eat the camera. Interesting views one would never get to see ordinarily.

carol l mckenna said...

What a find! What a shot! Great critter!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

marsha said...

Yes...I too think it strange to see camels there...and thanks for the owl link...I too jumped when the baby one pecked on the lens

A Colorful World said...

Wow...that would be a shock, especially in the snow! :-)

Celeste said...

Life is certainly full of surprises! The camel looks a bit bemused too :)

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