Saturday, February 7, 2015

Camera Critters

Stopped by for a spot of tea ... or not!  My friend and I were enjoying an early morning conversation at her kitchen counter when we realized we had visitors right outside the window.  As we were not sure if they would see us moving for our cameras we whipped out our cell phones and snapped the pictures without leaving our seats.  Quality wise ... not so good, but then they didn't dash off so I think we were the winners.
A Mom White Tail Deer ...

And her twins ...

Mom knows how to suck seed out ot the bird feeders ...

Won't be long until we see the twins doing it too.  You may remember that I posted pictures of these twins(click here) last summer ... my how they have grown :)

click for more fru fun

Also linked to 


eileeninmd said...

They are cool visitors.. I think I would prefer the deer at my bird feeder than the piggy squirrels I have here. Great shots, Andrea!.. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

lina@happy families said...

Surprising wonderful visitors!

TexWisGirl said...

such cute little raiders!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a lovely family of Deer. Have a lovely weekend.

Rajesh said...

It is good to see this visitors in action.

Elephant's Child said...

You were definitely winners. As we are.
Love the butt shot too.

Jeanne said...

The certainly have grown! Nice catch with your cell phone.

The Queen Jester said...

Oh I remember those days - the thrill of seeing them and the anger at the damage to the garden. Of course, there's not much damage to be done at this time of year.

Unknown said...

Beautiful animals! How amazing to have them outside your window.

EG CameraGirl said...

Indeed you were the winners!

Edna B said...

Great shots Andrea. Thank goodness for our cell phone cameras. I'm so glad I upgraded my phone for one with a good camera. It helps to be ready when a great shot comes along. I love the deer. That's what I miss most about not working. I used to love watching the deer grazing in the field across the street.

We're getting lots more snow, so Joe is outside clearing away the new snow with the snowblower. I'll be so glad to see Spring. Let's just hope that Mother Nature knows that it's supposed to be warm and sunny in the Spring.

Pogo and I will be headed South in three weeks. Can't wait to be walking around without a jacket, and poking around at the flea markets. How is Mint doing? She's probably getting more comfortable and at home by now. Enjoy your family. Have a super day. Hugs, Edna B.

Louisette said...

Pleasure to have this wonderfull visitors, greeting from Belgium

Little Wandering Wren said...

How special to have extra guests for afternoon tea - even better to get a photo! Thank goodness that we now have our phones (and camera) by oursides everywhere we go!
Have a great week
Wren x

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...