Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday # 71
I have followed this family of Mute Swans all summer.  They live in the channel among the reeds at the north end of our lake.  They started out with four cygnets and now have only three, but that is successful in the dangerous world they live in.

Dad is aware and leery ... keeping a close eye on me.

Mom, too, becomes aware ...

And starts moving away ...

while the cygnets continue to focus on eating ...

I found them on the south end of the lake where they go during the day to stay away from the channel.  It is hunting season and the sounds of gun fire are frequent in the channel and they are aware of the danger.  I am sure that at night they return to the safety of the reeds ... but I left them  quickly so they could continue to eat in peace.  They have a long, cold winter ahead of them, so far be it for me to add to their stresses.

Have a great week and a Happy WBW!


Dave said...

What a lovely family. I hope they are alert enough to stay away from gun fire..... lovely post

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andeea. I love Swans and these shot are great. You might like to know I hav e video today and this Thursdaay which includes Mute Swans.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Glad the swans know enough to stay out of danger. They would seem to be easy targets for the "sportsmen."

Karen said...

Lovely captures of these elegant birds.

Nette Cecilia said...

Wee have the same bird today ,they are lovley ,Nette

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of the swans!

TexWisGirl said...

they are beautiful against the blue water!

mick said...

Beautiful birds and great photos.

HansHB said...

Lovely photos of the swan!

Elephant's Child said...

How beautiful. Even if they are the 'wrong' colour. In my world swans are black, and anything else is very, very exotic.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty shots of the swans! I do not see them often around here. Have a happy week!

Jeanne said...

Wonder what happened to their baby. They are just lovely, and how neat that you have gotten to watch them grow! Hope that your thanksgiving is wonderful, and not stressful! Choose peace. Hard to do on holidays

Anonymous said...

There is another family nearby. I hope they remain safe, as well.

Edna B said...

Andrea, these are awesome photos of your swan family. They are so beautiful. We have some that live in ponds at our park. Here's hoping that all our birds make it through the winter. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Gail Dixon said...

What a lovely family of swans. Hope they all make it through the brutal winter.

Stewart M said...

Wonderful et of pictures - watching a family grow up is fun.

The way things are going, you may get to Australia before my writing makes it to the bookshelf!!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Hootin Anni said...

How beautiful!!! And the fact that you have followed their young life's progress is extraordinary. I personally think that three out of the original four is outstandingly successful.

EG CameraGirl said...

Swans are such graceful looking bird. I think a lot of waterfowl are hiding these days. Life will be much safer for them in the new year.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Beautiufl birds, Swans and I am so glad that you have been able to keep up with this family. Sadly where I can view them, most often that eggs are taken, before ever a chance of a hatch~

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

That is what they do in Wisconsin. Take, cover with oil, break the eggs or just outright kill the Mute Swans because "they aren't native" ... it makes my blood boil.


Bruno Laliberté said...

Lovely post,
even if it speaks of the danger lurking around...
Can't imagine why anyone would want to harm those.


Brian King said...

Nice shots of these guys! We don't have any in this area, but I've seen them in other places. Beautiful, but very aggressive.

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