Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

There seemed to be a quiet desparation at the feeders on this day of our first snow.   Some of these little fellows have never seen a winter before and don't know what to expect.  They are capable of surviving the cold as long as they eat enough in the day to keep them warm through the night.  It is an important time to make sure your feeders are clean and full.  It will be a long hard winter for all of them.

A bird bath is also essential, not just for drinking but so that they can keep thier feathers clean.  Only then will they serve to keep them warm.

Wouldn't you just love to knit them all little sweaters ...


Sylvia K said...

Oh, bless their little feathered hearts!!! They do look SO cold!! That's a great feeder, Andrea!! And great captures for the day!! Hope your week is off to a good start!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea Great advice adn you are certainly doing your part.

mick said...

Great photos - poor little birds in all that snow! Makes me shiver to even look at it!!

Neil said...

Stay warm and we will try and cool down. great photos.

Elephant's Child said...

Gorgeous things. Thank you. And most excellent advice too.

sunshine said...

Beautiful post and our next future. Poor birds in the cold.

Jeanne said...

So lucky these little birdies are to have you for their bird mommy. Wow! SNOW, it is still beautiful weather here in Texas. Many of the trees have just started to turn....Will be in illinois in just about 2 weeks for the holiday and hope to see a little bit of snow then! Love your shots! Also thought of you the other day when I went to the zoo. Got a few shots of some amazing raptors there.

Karen said...

We had snow this afternoon too, and my feeders were emptied in half an hour!

Carletta said...

We had our first snow today as well and it seems like all the birds came out of the woods. :)
I especially like the snow flurry shot.
Lovely series!

Dave said...

Wow snow already! I haven't heard any reports of imminent snow here in the UK yet. Your right about the juvenile birds, their first experience, everyday is a new challenge, I guess they are fast learners though.

Hootin Anni said...

Your photos and commentary go hand in hand....I LOVED it all.

Unknown said...

Cute little birds.

Edna B said...

I love your little birds. Your feeders are wonderful. I should try one of those sock looking things. We keep our feeder full all the time, especially in the winter. If only every one would be so concerned about our little feathered friends. You have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.

Brian King said...

What beautiful snow shots!

Carole M. said...

Andrea you made me smile reading about the sweaters; you think like me! Dear little treasures they are and you can't help but feel for them out in such harsh elements. I think like this for the little lambs born in the cold, and then they get shorn in the coldest months too; it doesn't seem fair. I enjoyed your post; beautiful birds and lovely to see them so well catered for

Stewart M said...

They do all have down jackets, but a little help does not go amiss!

We don't get as many birds around feeders here - not enough seed eating birds I think.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Mary Howell Cromer said...

How sweet, sweet, sweet and when the snow comes, they so need our help and it looks like you are well prepared for the task. I have set up my feeders this past few days, closer to the house, and hopefully away from the feral cats that always lurk...sigh~

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