Sunday, November 17, 2013

Camera Critters

I used to do Camera Critters, it seems like a long time ago.  I am not sure what happened,  if it disappeared or I did, but suddenly it is showing up on my Reader list again and I am happy to have it as an option, because I often get pictures of critters that don't necessarily fit in my posts.  

This is a hybrid Peregrine/Gyr Falcon mix that was flown for a group of us that are involved in the Northern Illinois Raptor Center.  There were two of these hybrids.  I did a post on one of them that was in training and was flown on a creance line here.  This is a fully trained, experienced bird that during the demonstration took down a lure that was being flown much higher on a kite.  He was free flying and returned once he had capture his prey.  It was an amazing demonstration of a powerful and skilled hunter.  


Mary Howell Cromer said...

I remember seeing this when you shared it before, and it is such a marvelous looking bird, absolutely stunning and how marvelous you got to see it up close and personal. Have a happy week~

Elephant's Child said...

Powerful, skilled - and beautiful. Thank you.

Pat said...

What a beautiful bird!

Anonymous said...

Amazing bird and excellent photo ~ thanks, carol, xxx

The Queen Jester said...

It sounds familiar, but with my memory...who knows for sure.

Maude Lynn said...

Breathtaking picture!

Jeanne said...

This is truly an awesome looking bird. You have gotten a stunning shot of him and bet that demonstration was amazing. I think this is such a fascinating interest, and think it is incredible that you have done some work with these gorgeous birds!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. They are amazing little birds of prey.

Sharon Wagner said...

Yuck. Walking through carrion. You have a good point on your blog comment! Nice falcon.

Unknown said...

A very handsome bird.

Sandee said...

That's a great big Awww too.

Have a fabulous day. :)

Phil Slade said...

A super bird indeed Andrea. Thanks for showing us such a close up.

Betty Manousos said...

such an impressive shot! of an amazing bird!

happy monday!

via camera critters~

Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous shot!

Pia said...

A wonderful bird and great shot!

eileeninmd said...

A gorgeous looking bird, great photo!

Edna B said...

Fabulous shot, Andrea. It's quite an impressive bird indeed. Just beautiful. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Ida said...

I haven't been by in a while so I thought I'd pop in. Loving this shot of the Falcon, I think birds of prey are just amazing.

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