Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

I am going strictly abstract today.  I started out with a zoomed in shot of a piece of Quilt Art (I will be featuring this and many other Quilts in a post later this week.  They were amazing!)

Of course I had to enrich the orange colors using Enhance/adjust color/color variations ...

Then I started playing with filters ... this is water color.

Here I swirled #'s 2 and 3 and then blended them ...

And, of course, following in Lori's wonderful footsteps, I started mixing them ...

Posterizing ... ( I would be remiss if I didn't posterize something:)

And finally another filter, and I can't remember which one I used ... Sorry :(
That's all Folks ... Have a Wonderful Week!


Sylvia K said...

Looks like you've had a fun morning already!! Really colorful shots!! Have a beautiful day, Andrea!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea. well I am looking forward to seeing the quilt now that I have seen a little bit. Love how you are editing but my favourite is no 4. Would have stopped there.

HansHB said...

Awesome orange, well done!

Nita Jo said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love what you did with the quilt photo, and of course, I really liked the last one where you didn't remember the filter you used. ;) I haven't been doing any photography for a long while anyway. I also looked through a lot of your recent posts. You really have a knack for capturing our feathered and furry friends!

Elephant's Child said...

Clever, clever, clever. As always.

The Queen Jester said...

You are having so much fun with these and each one is interesting. Of course I like the posterized one best.

lorik said...

I love them all... the psychedelic one is amazing and then the way you broke it up and repeated it. Fantastic. And did you notice how your MoM pic and mine go so nicely together on the linky page:) ? Might be fun to superimpose them! Thanks again for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday and for your most welcome comments.

Edna B said...

As usual, your creativity is awesome! My favorites are #'s 1, 2 and 4. I think I would love to see the whole quilt. The colors are fabulous. I love quilts, although this is one hobby I never quite got into. There's still time though, maybe some day. I'm looking forward to the rest of your quilt photos. Andrea, thank you so much for caring. You have a fabulous day. Hugs from me and Licks from Pogo.

Lmkazmierczak said...

These are brilliant♪♫ Posterized is my fav...Have a wonder filled week!

lorik said...

Andrea I think your suggestion about collaborative effort is a great one! We can both do a combination of the two and see what happens:))

Carola said...

Awesome creations!
You have wonderful phots on your blog!
Thanks for visiting!

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