Friday, November 15, 2013

Smile It's Friday

Me, Myself and I

Quiets Badger Boos ... I is whispering because I doesn't want hims to hears ...

I has to looks over my shoulders all of the times ...

I even goes out incogsnitos at nights ...

In the daytimes, I is practicing my fastest runs ...

I thinks I has becomes paranoids ...
abouts bein' skunked agains ... Helps me Badger Boos :(


Sylvia K said...

Fun, great shots!! Give him a big hug for me!! Hope you both have a wonderful, skunk-free weekend!!

Badger Boo said...

Shhhhhhhhhhh **tippy toes into comment box looking left to right in fear** "Is that skunk abouts? I has no idea what one looks like in real life"

Izzi your looking lovely and glossy, is the skunky stink all gone now? I've heard it can be really bad for weeks. The headscarf colour is very you, do you have different ones for each day so he won't know it's you BOL… You sure do have turn of speed on you there and looking beautiful **swoons**

You should persuade your mummy to bring you over here to live, we only have to worry abouts cats scratching your face in the bushes.

Mummy says hello and thank for joining in with this week's Smile it's Friday.

Hope you has a pawsome e weekend, see you next week xxxx

Elephant's Child said...

Paranoid about being skunked, or about being deskunked?
Have a wonderful weekend - both of you.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So much fun, enjoyed a lot! :))

The Queen Jester said...

Poor Izzy...try to see this in a positive light. Perhaps getting skunked has made you a faster runner now. The photo of you running is wonderful - your feet are just a must run like the wind!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...