Friday, November 29, 2013

Smile it's the Weekend

Me, Myself and I

Thanksgiving is an American holiday meant for us to set aside a time to appreciate what we have and to say Thank You to those we care about ... But, as Americans are wont to do, it becomes a time of overindulgence which many of us regret for several uncomfortable days.  That is not to say we are not thankful and I truly hope those of you out there who don't participate in Thanksgiving, have many things to be thankful for as well ...  And, I am guessing you aren't having to take Tums today. :)
Happy Day After ... 


Sandee said...

I gained a half a pound and it will be gone by tomorrow. We don't have any leftovers and we're back on our regular diet today. I feel fabulous this morning. I ate one meal yesterday around 1 in the afternoon. It works for us and the kids can go off to the next house for another meal.

Hubby and I have much to be thankful for.

Have a fabulous day and weekend Andrea. ☺

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Good for you Sandee ... you got it right!


Elephant's Child said...

I have an immense amount to be thankful for - not least the warmth and wonder of the blogosphere. And I am grateful not to have another excuse for conspicuous consumerism here. Christmas is bad enough on that front.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say that I am very conscious of being thankful for what I have. I think sometimes you learn to truly appreciate what you have, when you realize how tenuous it all is. Many spent the holiday alone, or with little; sometimes that makes you appreciate things and others more.

Edna B said...

Pogo and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. We did it the old fashioned way by sharing what we had with others. In return, we enjoyed some really nice dinner company. I'm very thankful for all my friends and family, and all that I have. I am especially thankful for all my blog friends. Andrea, you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I appreciate that the comments on this post brought out the thought processes that needed to be stirred. Being overindulgent on Thanksgiving day isn't the issue as much as paying little or no attention to those who are alone, as McGuffy Ann said, or don't have the means to indulge. Sharing should be an automatic part of thankfulness and I am impressed that all of you get it!


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...