Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

Alas, another chicken ... or should I say Rooster.  This is not the starting point, this is the first of the finished Rooster pictures.  I started with another chicken statue in a Garden Center.  I painted it, extracted it and placed it on a background that was a previous MOM post. 

 From there I started running it through different filters ...starting with Fresco.

This one is Poster Edges ... always have to have  Poster Edges.  It is my favorite most of the time .... But

It wasn't enough ... I needed more, so I put it through Threshold and had a whole new playground :)

I added an orange wash , some bokah, a little light then the Film Grain Filter ...

And finally I went to Foto Flexor.  I started playing with my options, but forgot to write down what I did so all I have is the final picture ... which, I have to say,  I am pleased with ...
Have a Wonderful MOM Everyone!


HansHB said...

A perfect post for MOM!

Jeanne said...

What diversity you have here! That last one looks as if the chicken might still be in the egg. Very fascinating Andrea!

lorik said...

I love your rooster! But most of all I like what you did in the last two... really spectacular Andrea:)) Stunning! (and I must point you in the direction of my post date 20th Sept! I know you will like it;)
Thanks again for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday. I always enjoy your work.

The Queen Jester said...

It's nice to meet another person who loves poster edges as much as I do. Your rooster is divine - you really know how to "strut" your stuff.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...