Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday


Wild Bird Wednesday #60

Mallards of the Botanical Gardens
Strangely, they all look the same.  No distinctive marking showing the difference between male, female or juveniles. That is because Mallards, like other ducks, shed all their flight feathers at the end of the breeding season and are flightless for 3–4 weeks. They are secretive during this vulnerable time, and their body feathers molt into a concealing brown “eclipse” plumage that can make them hard to identify.  It is that time of year, Folks ... fall is upon us.  My favorite season :) 
If you look closely, you will see some colorful feathers growing on this little male ...
Have a Wonderful WBW!


mick said...

A great series of photos - the plumage detail is really beautiful.

Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

eileeninmd said...

They are cute, wonderful shots of the Mallards!

Wally Jones said...

Nice series showcasing a beautiful duck, molting or not!

Elephant's Child said...

And some gorgeous colour in the first shot too. Ducks always looks such happy birds (yes I know, my anthromorphism is showing).
And autumn is the BEST season...

Pat said...

What a great group of photos of these pretty ducks!

betty-NZ said...

They are quite interesting birds. Love your shots.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunning photos - and I learned something new - thanks.

Stewart M said...

Nice ducks - I have a bit of a fond spot for Mallard!

I agree that people see purple where I see blue!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Carole M. said...

very attractive ducks; great photos

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Lovely series of shots. you can tell the difference by their beak colour.

Anonymous said...

Autumn is indeed quickly approaching. I am happy about that! You know it is my favourite; it makes for some good writing. The pictures are great; we love ducks.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful shots Andrea, and this looks like an awesome place to visit!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Thank you Margaret ... I think I knew that once upon a time and had forgotten (symptoms of being an old poop). Anyway, I feel like I learned something new from you and I appreciate that :)


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

It is a wonderful place to visit, Jeanne, any time of the year. Next time you are in Chicago, I would be glad to take you there :)


Edna B said...

Andrea, what a great series of shots of the Mallard ducks. I did not know this about the color of the beak. Thank you for the info. I go to our local park as often as I can to watch the ducks at play there. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots! We get some Mallard/Black Duck hybrids which makes ID difficult at times.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots! I love watching the mallards. During winter they're almost the only birds I see.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Awe what sweethearts, got to love Mallards and those endearing personalities...great captures shared~

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