Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

This is a sad story, but one with a happy ending.  I was outside with Izzi (my dog) and I heard the painfully familiar thud-plop sound on the deck.  Yes, sure enough, a little bird lay clumped on the deck after hitting my window.  I followed my usual routine ... got a paper bag, lined it with a paper towel , then after putting on a glove, I gently lifted the little fellow and placed him in the bag.  (These are the instructions we were given in a Rehab seminar years ago).  It wasn't until I was able to look at him in the bag that I realized that this was not a bird I had ever seen before. 
He looked like the shape of a Nut Hatch ... but the color was wrong.  What could it be?
I then made my call to Fellow Mortals the wonderful wildlife rehab facility in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  They take a message and then call you back.  As I was waiting for the call, I heard the little bird jumping around in the bag.  I thought perhaps he had just bumped his head enough to put him out so, as I usually do, I took the bag outside and opened it to see if he would fly away.  He didn't, so I lifted him out on my finger and took some pictures in hopes of possibly identifying him.  As he never attempted to fly, I knew he needed to go to rehab. 
When I got to Fellow Mortals they told me he was a Philadelphia Vireo ... a migrating bird on his way to South America.  The good news is he had no broken bones and was perfectly flight capable except he had ruptured two air sacs and wouldn't fly until they had reinflated.  They estimated two weeks of TLC and he would be on his way again.  I have the option of getting a report back on him in one month ... which I will definitely do. 
The Philadelphia Vireo spends most of it's time in the upper leafy portions of trees so they are rarely seen.  I was privileged, though not in a way I would prefer, to meet this little fella and I am so relieved that he will be fine.  Like I said ... a Happy Ending :)
P.S.  I have learned from Fellow Mortals that whenever a bird hits the window he should be taken in because, even though he may seem fine and is able to fly away, they may develop swelling in the brain and eventually not make it.  So in the future that will also be part of my routine:)(What to do when you find and injured animal/bird)


Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a sweet story and thankful the bird will do well. I rehabbed for over a decade and if a bird hits a window here, and it seems to be doing well after a good half hour, I allow it to decide when to release. If it flies, it is as it was intended. If it stays, I keep it over night, and then try again next day. If that does not work, then I take it to another birding rehabber, that has a fresh permit to care for~

TexWisGirl said...

that's definitely a new bird to me as well! glad you were able to retrieve him and turn him over for rescue!

Edna B said...

Andrea, these photos are fabulous!!! What a beautiful bird. I have never seen a Philadelphia Vireo.. I agree that it does look like a Nuthatch. I do have some of these in my yard. This was one lucky little bird to have bumped into your window. I mean, if he had to hit a window, your window was the best one he could pick. Keep us posted on his follow up. Have a fabulous day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Unknown said...

A lovely little bird. I'm glad he's going to be okay.

NatureFootstep said...

it was lucky for the bird ending up in your window. :) And you were lucky it was a new one for you. Glad it seem to be OK for all of you. :)

eileeninmd said...

It is sad when the birds hit the windows. I am glad there is a happy ending for this Vireo. He is a pretty one! Great story.

Elephant's Child said...

Wonderful ending to a potentially very sad story. A gorgeous bird too. And thank you for the tip about kamikaze birds. I love that I continue to learn here in the blogosphere.

Jeanne said...

So glad that you were able to rescue this lovely little bird. Very interesting to know what to do if this happens. It is a rather frequent happening at my cabin as there are alot of confusing windows. thanks so much for sharing

Karen said...

I'm so glad this story has a happy ending.

Stewart M said...

Nice rescue effort - we have some big windows, but as of yet we have not have any bird V window incidents.

Australia is a pretty remarkable place all in all!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea This was a great post with a happy ending and you got to see a rare bird. Look forwar to hearing what happened to it in a months time.

Dave said...

Wow, great post - good luck little fella

Arija said...

What a relief to know that he will recover and be able to rejoin his fellows. I hate it when the birds think they can fly straight through the house. I often stick black bird shapes on the large window panes.

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