Thursday, September 5, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art
 Water is many things to different beings, in different forms, at different times, but in the end ... Water is Life.
All of these have been tempered and/or enhanced by Bonnie's beautiful Textures ... I love this challenge and once a month is good because I can explore more ideass and find different ways to achieve satisfaction ... Thank you again, Bonnie!


Kim Stevens said...

These are all just fabulous, love!!

Katarina said...

I really enjoyed your gallery of Photo Art!

Annemor said...

Such a variety of wonderful water pictures.
Have a nice evening.


Stephanie said...

This is a fantastic collection of water art. The sparkle on the first photo is fantastic.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Wow - you are SO creative, Andrea! My favs are the first and the second last. Bravo!!!

Elephant's Child said...

Healing and beautiful. Mega thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is a great prompt, and what you did with it is excellent. Nice work!

Jeanne said...

All of these are just lovely Andrea, but my personal fave is the first. it just draws me in.

Unknown said...

My favorite scene are the trees, although the first four are outta this world!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi I love the way you have edited these water shots. Very artistic.

Currie Silver said...

oh... words don't come close, Andrea. this is a wonderland to marinate in. so breathtaking and utterly original!!

helena said...

wow each is fabulous and they kept on coming

Edna B said...

Absolutely love your photos. My favorites are the first and third images. These two would look great hanging on a wall. Or on note cards. Or........gosh, there are so many possibilities. I'm at work, so gotta run. You have a fabulous day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Pat said...

What a lovely series of water-related images.

Ida said...

Oh my stars you've outdone yourself here. These are fabulous. The shimmer in that first shot is gorgeous. - So loved your kitty shot, it's always fun to see a cat drinking water from the faucet. I also liked the shot with the Allium. I could go on and on because you had so many amazing edits. Well done girl. Can't wait to see what you do with Sky.

ceevee said...

One word for all your pictures; Magical!

Andrea Dawn said...

Well, didn't you have fun! These are just great and I agree with you that making PAF monthly has given more time to explore a single theme to greater depths.

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