Friday, March 30, 2012

Friendship Friday

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To be honest rain doesn't really change much of my routine.  I still have to walk the dog and, if she has her way, play Frisbee.  I have played Frisbee in  pouring rain,  blinding snow and  scorching heat.  Izzi doesn't think her day is complete if she doesn't get at least one game in.

I spend a lot of time driving people to doctors and dentist appointments and that happens even on a rainy day.


I still do Infusion Nursing and that happens rain or shine.

I grocery shop in the rain if I need something for that days meal and I go out to coffee with my friend no matter what the weather is.  But I have to say that I would love to do all of the things you listed on your Rainy Day list except cleaning the closet.  I would look for something else to do if that was my only option, rain or shine.


Anonymous said...

I Love this picture of Izzie... and you are so right .. .the rain should not alter your lifestyle!

Create With Joy said...

I love your shot of Izzie too and you're right - having a dog helps you to maintain your lifestyle, rain or shine!

Thanks for sharing with us at Friendship Friday this weekend!


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