Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday Four Fill-In

1. I get my best ideas when I am someplace where I can't write them down and, if I don't write them down, they will be gone in a wink.  That's what happens with age ... sigh!

2. When I am thinking I don't like to be interrupted for fear I'll lose the thought.

3. When I have a cold, I like to take a nice bath and sip a cup of lemon tea.   Actually, that is what I would like to do, but usually I am too busy and just have to deal with it.  Nurses are the worst patients. :)

4. Watching a spider move can be creepy, especially if it is moving toward me.

1 comment:

Denise Moncrief said...

My best ideas come when I'm away from my computer! And I know what you mean about the nice bath. I think that cures a lot! Great answers to the list questions!

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