Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Face Off ...

AI Anime rendition of my Granddaughter ....

    Original ...

                                         AI Anime rendition of my younger Granddaughter

    Original ...

I am using these as the centerfolds of my annual picture book that I do for my friends who don't get to see what I am up to throughout the year.  As I said on TADD ... this is my first experience with AI and I am loving it 😁

So wishing all of you a wonderful week ... next week will be a zoo as my Son and his wife are leaving for Thailand for the winter and then a few days later I have to address Thanksgiving.  My Granddaughter is staying here this year as she is now in high school and can't afford to do her work in absentia :) So Grandma gets to be in charge (Ha!).  It could get pretty tricky as she now has a boy friend ... a delightful young man, but none the less, a boy friend :0  Until the next time we meet ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

P.S.  So a question for you all ... I would like to know what you think I mean by "From the Sol".  This question came up in a conversation recently and the person I was talking to didn't get it ... Do You?😏


DVArtist said...

I am so glad the AI link worked for you. It's fun isn't it. Thank you for sharing on FFO. Yes, you will have your hands full but I'm sure she is a very nice teen and you can handle it. Thank you for your well wishes for my foot too. Have a great weekend.

Taken For Granted said...

You do have beautiful granddaughters. While the AI pictures are pretty, they are more cartoon like, and I prefer your straight, unmolested photos.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those AI anime portraits are delightful! Anime is such a fun style. I assume that "Sol" means "sun" as I think it is an old name for our Earth's all-important star.

Christine said...

Wonderful anime portraits!

Elephant's Child said...

Gorgeous portraits - but how could they not be coming from a truly gorgeous starting point.
I always assumed that you used SOL for sun.

Carola Bartz said...

So far I haven't played around with AI and don't even know how to do that. I have to say that I prefer the photos of your granddaughters to the AI images - they look too Disney for me (as you can tell, I'm not a Disney fan). You indeed will have a busy week and after that you'll have your granddaughter for good. I think it will be fine judging from what you wrote about her so far.
I always thought Sol means sun - now I'm second guessing myself.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I never yet tried AI to any sort of art.
Coffee is on

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't played around with AI, but it does a nice job. Your granddaughters almost look like anime characters. In a good way! Have a great weekend and Thanksgiving. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

First of all, late to the party so a) thanks for visiting me and b) Wow -- your digital AI renditions are really terrific. You have one heck of a week going on so I hope you make it through with grace and a smile.

I think it means "from the Sun." Close?

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