Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! ... Pockets

I chose to use the "pockets" in Marsupials.  Technically, the pockets in Marsupials are referred to as pouches, so I am stretching the definition a little for the purpose of this post :)
Kangaroo Mom and Joey (pastels with a digital

Koala Bear Mom and Joey (water color)

It is the first time in awhile that I have had time to sit down and enjoy creating my own art.  This was fun ... 
Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and a fun weekend.  
We are now buried in our first layer of snow with below freezing temperatures ... Brrrrrr ! Already looking forward to Spring 😁

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date ... Landscapes

Watercolor of Maroon Bells in Colorado

This and the next two pictures is Lake Michigan

Most of these pictures were taken in the Chain of Lakes State Park which was just a short distance from where I lived on the lake.  This just barely scratches the surface of all the landscape pictures I have taken over the years.  I am sure I will run across some that I should have included, but for now this will have to do.  Today is Thanksgiving and I have much to be thankful for including all of my blogging friends who I enjoy and admire immensely.  Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it and to those who don't, it is a good day to stop and give thought to all that you have to be Thankful for ... Be well, be happy and stay warm 😊

Andrea @ From the Sol 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Face Off ...

AI Anime rendition of my Granddaughter ....

    Original ...

                                         AI Anime rendition of my younger Granddaughter

    Original ...

I am using these as the centerfolds of my annual picture book that I do for my friends who don't get to see what I am up to throughout the year.  As I said on TADD ... this is my first experience with AI and I am loving it 😁

So wishing all of you a wonderful week ... next week will be a zoo as my Son and his wife are leaving for Thailand for the winter and then a few days later I have to address Thanksgiving.  My Granddaughter is staying here this year as she is now in high school and can't afford to do her work in absentia :) So Grandma gets to be in charge (Ha!).  It could get pretty tricky as she now has a boy friend ... a delightful young man, but none the less, a boy friend :0  Until the next time we meet ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

P.S.  So a question for you all ... I would like to know what you think I mean by "From the Sol".  This question came up in a conversation recently and the person I was talking to didn't get it ... Do You?😏

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! ... Smiles

The smiles I enjoyed the most were those of my pets ... they all seemed to be smiling when they were doing something they loved or up to no good :)

In almost every picture I have of Izzi in Agility or Frisbee she wore an obvious smile of joy.  I sure do miss her ...

This is an AI version of my fat cat, Chachi ... he wasn't smiling in the original (see below), 
but I asked AI to add the smile and it turned out great :) 

This is a Fonzi "Gotcha" smile ....

This is the Chachi "Gotcha" Smile ... 

This is a younger version of a Chachi "Going to get you" smile ... 

This is an Aussie AI smiling pup :)

Nicole turned me on to AI and I have had some fun with it.  I approach it cautiously because I don't want to get lazy and start letting AI replace my own creativity ... but I have to admit, it is fun.  I will share more of my AI experiments on FFO :)

So, all for now folks.  We are feeling the cold of winter and I, believe it or not, haven't finished clearing my gardens.  I sure don't know where the time goes ... Already looking forward to Spring😊 

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...