Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Big Screen

 Big Screen

Dumbo was probably the first movie I ever saw and I'm pretty sure I was too young to remember it.  It was responsible for my years of elephant collecting however and my stuffed Dumbo was my "binky" :)

Roy Rogers was my favorite cowboy and when we played outside, I always had to be Roy.  My sisters fav was the Lone Ranger.  We used to argue about who was better.   Truth be known, I liked the Lone Ranger too, but I would never admit it. 

 It was about this time in my life (1950) that I learned
from my Grandfather that we had Indian blood in our
family.  I was very excited since Cowboys and Indians 
were a big part of my life (I was a tomboy from day one).
So when I went to the movie "Broken Arrow" I was 
enthralled with Cochise who, as far as I was concerned,
was the star of the movie.  He must have made a big impression on me because he was the first star I thought of
when Rain's prompt was Big Screen.

This movie just captured my heart ... it was a sad love story but, of course, it was about a hawk and a wolf, so it was a given that I would love it.  And it had the Frisian horse which made it even better.  I named Izzi, our dog, after the princess ... Izzi's full name is Isabeau :) I had every intention of drawing pictures of all the leading men, but it didn't happen, sorry :(

As, once upon a time I was a Johnny Depp fan, I, of course, loved these movies. But, I have to say that, though I like his movies, I am very disappointed in who Johnny Depp has become.  So time will tell, but there's a good chance I won't go to any more of his movies.  I don't want to support his bad behavior.

None of my movie choices are Block Busters or even wonderfully artistic, but I tried to choose movies that I liked for my own reasons all through my life.  I could have done more with this, but ran out of time so hope you enjoyed the little bit that I accomplished.

Andrea @ From the Sol



Elephant's Child said...

And applauding your decision not to reward the Johnny Depps of this world.

NatureFootstep said...

Dumbo! I thing everyone knows Dumbo. Every kids, and grownups, favorite :)
I remember Roy Rogers from my childhood.
And Ladyhawk! A period of time on Internet my Alias was "Ladyhawk". I loved that story. So many years have passed since then. I´m glad you reminded me. :)

Take care.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've never seen any of the films you wrote about, but I loved your drawing of Cochise. And no, I've never seen any Johnny Depp films, either. Bad boys don't interest me. Not HIS kind of BAD, at least.

Christine said...

A wonderful
Look back at your favourites Andrea, great memories.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Dumbo is my darling and I still say to my darling today if I keep his ears on for a long time, you fly away like the dumpo now and we always laugh. Great selection of movies.
I wish you a nice weekend and stay healthy, hug Elke

Tom said...

...of course I remember Dumbo and the actors, some of the movies I don't remember! Thanks for visiting my blog Andrea.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! Love this post!!! I saw Broken Arrow and it was the only movie I didn't like James Stewart in! I didn't like his "heavy" character! Funny huh? Because I love him in so many other movies. Your drawing of Chochise is great! I agree with you about Depp. I was a huge fan until the crap came pun intended. He's just trying to smear campaign that poor girl. Anyway...Oh LadyHawke...I'd forgotten about that movie! I saw that when it came out! So cool that you named Izzy after Isabeau! I only saw one Roy Rogers film, I think that Gary Cooper is one of my favourites in that style. Oh btw, I haven't figured out how to properly upload photos to IG through my computer anymore. I have to use my phone. If you have a smart phone, email me and I'll help you out!

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