Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Twas The Night Before Christmas

I am the worlds worst procrastinator when it comes to wrapping Christmas presents .  I used to love making fancy packages, but that desire went out the window the older I got ... so this is how my Christmas Eve looks 😅

That by no means  implies that I don't wish you a lovely
Christmas Eve and a joyous Christmas.  I have a Granddaughter here, so the fun begins.  I think Christmas mornings are for kids and without them it lacks something.
That said, my wish for you this year is that you are all
healthy and that you have chosen to stay safe at home with only those that you live with so that all of your friends and 
family can be safe as well.  

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Andrea @ From The Sol


Christine said...

Merry Christmas Andrea!

Elephant's Child said...

Our Christmas is here. I am a truly woeful gift wrapper, and it is a job I loathe.
I hope (fervently) that your Christmas is healthy, happy and just plain wonderful

DVArtist said...

Hi Andrea. Very cut post. I am so glad your granddaughter is with you. Yes, Christmas morning is for the kids. How fun it will be for you in the morning. Wishing you and your family the very best, with lots of love and happiness. Hugs N.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Merry Christmas, Andrea
I feel the same way with wrapping gifts..all love and health to you, hugs Elke

Tom said...

...I did our wrapping yesterday, it was a breeze. Sending you warmest greetings for a healthy and Joyous Christmas.

NatureFootstep said...

I totally understand. We have no children in my family so Chriestmas seems waisted :(

Take care and enjoy spending time with your granddaughter. I am alone. But that is fine too.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Yes there is certainly a difference in Christmas when Children grow and fly the nest but those memories are still special.. Wishing you and your family Seasons Greetings and all the best for a happy, safe and brighter new year.
I hope today's Christmas with your GrandDaughter has been a Merry one.
Creative wishes Tracey x

Elderberry-Rob said...

Thank you for your lovely comment over at mine, I like your art/interpretation of Christmas Eve - as the years go by we bother less with packaging, after all it gets ripped off within seconds! Wishing you a happy and safe New Year 2021.

Rain said...

Andrea I laughed so hard at your self-portrait hee hee hee....I hope you had a really nice Christmas and have a great holiday season! Enjoy your time with family!! :) There was a show on tv called The Ultimate Cheapskate or something like that, and they followed really REALLY cheap people. One guy found a tea kettle at a garbage dump, used a hose to clean it up and wrapped it in a garbage bag for his wife for her birthday lol...I don't know why I remembered that, I guess because of your wavering desire to wrap gifts!!! :)

CAAC said...


I have never been a fancy gift wrapper and I secretly envy anyone who has such a talent. Most of the time, we send presents directly to our kids, my parents, and sister. Normally I don't think about getting presents gift wrapped because it's a bit expensive but this year I got all online presents gift wrapped. I didn't have any control over the paper/bag selection but at least it added a festive touch. I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and may the new year be better for us all! hugs

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Like you, I used to pride myself on wrapping the perfect package. I even made sure the stripes and plaids matched. Now I find the closest bag and tissue paper and call it good. You certainly have created a fabulous night before Christmas with your late gift wrapping and your adorable cat by your side. Even Bleubeard gives this drawing two paws up!!!

I had to laugh when you said my home looks like your Grandmother's. I was raised by grandparents and my grandmother HATED that I collected this furniture. For her, it was mid-century modern. She would have been appalled if she could see my home today!

I am sorry I'm late visiting. To be honest, on Thursday evening, "things" finally got to me. I simply shut down. I was not ready to celebrate or even visit my dear blogging friends. It was just too painful and I felt SO isolated and totally alone. I hope you understand why I haven't been by sooner to visit. Belated Merry Christmas, dear Andrea.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...