Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... You as a Superhero

"You (meaning me) as a Superhero"

My Mother was a nurse ... an OB nurse.  When we went to the Grocery Store we were always stopped by Mother's who adored my Mother because she was their nurse when their babies were born.  To me she was a superhero.  Of course, I chose to follow in her footsteps and I became a nurse later in life.  I worked in a University Hospital in Chicago and I worked beside many Superheroes.  Today, I still know those nurses and they and all medical staff are without exaggeration the SuperHeroes of this generation.  Our Nurses and  Doctors are putting themselves on the line for us every day ... putting their own lives at risk to help the millions who are or have been in our ICU's with the Corona Virus.  And, feeling the heartbreak of the thousands of Americans who have died.  They are getting no help and, in fact, are being belittled by some who would claim that the Corona Virus is a hoax.  What a shameful Display of Disrespect!!!  I have never faced this virus in an ICU because I retired 20 years ago and am, at my age, considered high risk.   But, I wish every day that I could be there to help.  I also wish every day that the people in our country would take seriously the need to follow the CDC recommendations for protecting ourselves and others from this virus so that our hospitals aren't overrun with the climbing numbers of new cases.  There will be no end to this nightmare until people find it in their hearts to care for others.  Is that so much to ask?

On the lighter side ... This is the first and only self portrait I will probably ever attempt because I could cover up all of the difficult parts with a mask ... so , this is me wishing I could really be the Superhero in this picture.

Andrea @ From the Sol

And ... not to be forgotten :)  HAPPY THANKSGIVING !


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're absolutely right about nurses, doctors and other hospital staff being the front-line superheroes of our times right now! Good self-portrait too!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Actually, Andrea, you ARE a superhero and so was your mother. You are the UNSUNG heroes, especially during this time of COVID-19. You drew a great Superhero. I absolutely LOVE this drawing. I bet it is a good likeness, too.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

Elephant's Child said...

You are so very right.
The tide CAN be turned. We have here but my gratitude for the doctors and nurses remains.

Christine said...

What a wonderful tribute to nurses Andrea, both you and your mother are and were true superheroes.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

the appeal to humanity to finally understand that the virus is real and not decide against it and forget everything about the protective measures. I mourn the dead and their relatives and those who have been sick for a long time because of it.
All the nurses and doctors who have gotten tired and still use their strength to save or lose life every day. It's to scream, to cry and because I can understand you as a former nurse to have to watch it.
Your posting shows your feelings that are so powerless.
Wake up and do something about it you people wear masks, keep your distance, do not travel to risk areas, do not party in crowds, etc.
Her mother was superhero and they are the same and all the other nurses in the world!!!!!
Thank you for this posting and take care and stay safe, hugs Elke

Rain said...

I agree with your post and all of the comments Andrea! :) I like your self portrait! :) Nurses are too underrated and they are all superheroes, yourself included! Okay, you know me, I stay away from the media, but there is talk about covid being a hoax? That's ridiculous. Btw...I always carry pepper spray with me! :) Haven't seen the perv in 3 days now, I think he got scared.

Tom said...

...your sure was special, a Superhero! Our DIL is an RN and works in a unit that cares of Covid-19 patients, she is our Superhero! Take care and stay safe.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...