Saturday, November 12, 2016

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Learning to Play
Meet Buffy (The Vampire Slayer) ... she is a young female cat who was dumped in our area and has been living outside all summer.  My goal was to bring her in before winter and so far so good.  Over time we gained her trust. She clearly was not feral and once she felt safe she became a loving little family cat.  She has now had her shots and been spayed and is living in our upstairs bedroom.  We had to teach her to play and what she could scratch on, but rubbing, purring and curling up in my FH's lap came naturally.  She also uses the cat box without being taught by us.  Our next endeavor will be to integrate her into the rest of her family of 3 cats and a dog ... Fingers crossed.  :0



pilch92 said...

Congratulations on your new addition. That was sweet of you to save her. I hope the introductions go well.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Such a beautiful photo! Well done for taking care of Duffy. Hope she settles in well :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely that your efforts have been met with success. And how sad that a cat needed to learn to play.
Thank you.

Little Wandering Wren said...

What a lovely story Andrea, good luck with being one big happy family!
Wren x

Cathy Keisha said...

Nice to meet you Duffy. What nice art.

Stewart M said...

Nice story! Hope the integration goes well.

I can only assume that many people in the US need to have eye surgery - as they seem not to be able to see what the rest of the world sees! Remarkable.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Edna B said...

Duffy is beautiful. I'm sure she won't take long to get used to her new siblings. It's amazing how these beautiful animals know how to find us when they need a loving home. You have a good heart my friend. I wish everyone in the world had a good heart.

This is how we got our two cats. They came along a few months apart to let us know that they needed a home where they would have food and a warm bed. Of course, there's also a whole house full of dwarfs to love on them too.

Today I'm hoping to get the weather panels made and hung for the back and sides of my porch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. With a bit of luck, maybe next week we can do the front of the porch. Then I'll be all set till Spring.

Now I need to get dressed before the guys get here to start working. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Izzi. You have a super day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Unknown said...

What an amazing photo!!! It is so nice of you to take care of sweet Duffy. Hope you will have lots of fun together:)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...