Friday, February 28, 2014

Weekend Reflection

I hate waiting in line at the Walgreens Drive through ... it seems like they take forever and, if you are anything like me, there are other things I would like to be doing.  But, today was different.  There was a Big Dodge Ram Truck in from of me and lo, and behold if his Ram ornament wasn't reflecting the scenery behind us ... and as he moved up, the reflection changed.  Nothing is more satisfying then spotting a good reflection :)

Have a fun weekend everyone ...

14 comments: said...

Well spotted! Great image.

Malyss said...

A real treasure!

Edna B said...

Andrea, these are AWESOME!! I love it when we can capture a surprise image. I like the first shot the best. I had to look twice because at first it almost looked like a mountain range scene, but then I realized that it was trees and road in the reflection. We had snow again yesterday. Gads, I'll be glad to see it leave for a while. I think my little green sprouts are frozen. Gosh, I hope they make it through the rest of this cold weather. I have never used the Walgreen drive-thru window. But I don't like waiting in long lines either. When I stop for my coffee at McDonalds on the way to work, I usually have to wait in a fairly long line. I guess that's the price to pay for not wanting to get out of the car. lol. Hopefully the weather will warm up so that Izzi can run around outside more. I'm washing some scatter rugs now and they are ready to go into the dryer. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Sylvia K said...

What fun, clever reflections for the day, Andrea!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

Nonnie said...

what a fun reflection to while away the waiting!

Viera said...

Reflecting scenery is really great... Nice photo...

cieldequimper said...

That's a cool photo!

Jeanne said...

Great shots Andrea! It sort of makes me laugh though because only we photographers would see something like this. And, only fellow bloggers "get it" and appreciate it! So have you put me on your bucket list??

'Tsuki said...

I like those detailed reflections... Great and simple.

Elephant's Child said...

Love your observant eye. Megathanks.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

You bet ...

Louisette said...

Cool réflexions, have a nice weekend from Belgium

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

Well spotted. We see life so differently though a lens! Warm regards

James said...

That's really Also this reminds me to look for reflections in small places.

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