Friday, February 21, 2014

Weekend Reflection

In the winter I leave my icicle lights up all season mainly because it gives me more light at night when I am walking the dog ... but also because I love the way they look.  Yesterday evening , as it had rained all day, they were reflecting off of the wet deck on my front porch.   Sadly, the warmer weather was only here for a day and today, as it is cold again, everything is covered with ice.  Hope it is warmer where you are ...


Sylvia K said...

Great reflection for the day!! We actually have some partly blue skies and some sunshine today!! Sheer bliss!! Wish I could send you some!! Have a good weekend, stay warm!!

Malyss said...

Much warmer here in south of France! Lovely picture !

Mascha said...

It's an awesome photo, painterly and I like the colors.
Wish you a faster spring.

Ida said...

Lovely glow from the lights. That's a good idea to help light up your home on dark, cold winter nights. Sorry your warm weather didn't stay long. It's only in the 40's here but way better then the 20's and all the snow.

Elephant's Child said...

Love those reflections. And yes, we too are much, much warmer than you are.

Laura said...

Weather, you can depend on it always changing. Beautiful photo!

'Tsuki said...

That it such a nice picture of ambiant... I like the blury effect, very impressive !

The Queen Jester said...

Definitely much warmer here in Florida - we needed to put the AC on for a while today due to the humidity and temps in upper 80's ....but still not complaining.

Anonymous said...

Am glad yoy discovered this reflection - beautiful!

Taken For Granted said...

When I first saw your photo I thought it was wet glass with light shining through. Ah, a wet porch. Beautifully seen and photographed.

molly said...

I really like this one, you have captured the truth of rainy weather in that shot


MTWaggin said...

Warm then cold then snow then fog who knows about this weather.

Viera said...

The reflection is really gorgeous and I like the colors too...

Veronica Roth said...

Nice! The other day I took a walk thru the 'hood in the evening and saw that a lot of people still have their Christmas lights on outside. It's really nice. There's one Victorian which has the lights on all year, but they are sort of post-modernistic lights; kind of like a glowing rope, but it outlines the grand roof line of the house and looks super good. :) Oh, and there is one side of a duplex and they still have the tree lit in their living room. (I know, I peek into windows, how bad is that?)

Edna B said...

I agree, this is a beautiful reflection photo. The colors give the image such a soft glow. I like it! Our warm spell is holding. The cold temps should be back here by Monday and all through the week. As long as there is no bad weather between here and Florida next weekend, I'll be a happy little camper. I just arranged for my rental car, and my little box of "carry on" stuff is slowly filling up. Pogo looks adorable with his new hair cut. We just have to decide which carry case he will use this year, and he will be all set to go. When do you leave for Switzerland? I wish I could slip into your suitcase, but I'll wait to see all the gorgeous photos. Hope it's warming up for you. Have a wonderful day. Pogo sends woofs and licks to Izzi. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

I hate ice, makes walking so difficult. But that is a beautiful photo.

Hootin Anni said...

This is such an artistic image!! Not only beautiful with the reflective colors but the composition...well done.

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