Thursday, July 21, 2022

Rains Thursday Art and Dinner Date ... A Poem

A Poem (actually 3 poems :)

I suggest clicking to enlarge ... it will be much easier reading I think :)

When my daughter was sent to a therapeutic school one of the requirements was that parents had to be in therapy with one of there therapists.  If you have ever been in therapy you know that the relationship between the client and the therapist is strong and unique in it's one sidedness.  I wrote this poem as an 
Ode to my Therapist 

I don't remember when I wrote this poem ... I suspect it was a time of some despair though I don't remember what it was.  Thankfully, that time passed and I no longer feel cheated :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, thank you for sharing your beautiful poems
Hugs from the lake

DVArtist said...

Hi Andrea, I love how you write. The poems are strong and beautiful. Have a great day today.

Elephant's Child said...

Your poems are PACKED with emotion and very beautiful. You are a multi-genre artist.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are a poet of whimsy but also of great depth and perception. Plus you have beautifully illustrated your poems!

Gillena Cox said...

Your poems are delightful. Happy Thursday.

My name is Erika. said...

Great poems. I especially like the one you wrote about your therapist. I always wondered what if they really think about their clients beyond what the clients present to them.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are wonderful poems, Andrea. I had to read it twice, but love the Ode to a Therapist. It is deep. The others are simply adorable and whimsical.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The third poem is especially poignant, Andrea. Surely, to have written that, you must have been experiencing significant angst in your life, and I am glad that it has passed. I have written a few poems in the past, but I have never saved one of them. All the best - David (Hope this comment doesn't disappear somewhere!)

NatureFootstep said...

seems like you are good at poems. Sadly, I am not :(

Jeanie said...

All of these poems are beautiful, Andrea, and really speak to the soul. Alas, I write very bad poetry, which each Valentine's Day I give to Rick. They chronicle our past year. He is always wonderfully supportive and kind about it and tends to like them far better than I do. I really admire those who can master poetry and I thinkyou have a talent for it.

Tom said...

...I have difficulty reading poems, but I enjoy hearing them, particularly when they are set to music. Enjoy your weekend.


 OMG! What transpired today in the Oval Office was unforgivable, unbelievable, despicable, ignorant and dangerous ... God Help Us!!!