Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Leaves and Branches

 Leaves and Branches

Branches serve so many purposes in life. They often appear with visitors using them as a resting
 place ...  (click to enlarge for a better look)

or nesting  and finding food ...

Sometimes there presence is just glorious ...

And you will always find them in art ...


Most branches come with leaves and they too are one of Nature's works of art ...

They are also fun to play in ...
but not so fun to clan up ...

I have many more pictures of branches and leaves.  They are a favorite of mine and I can't resist a good shot when I see one.
Some trees that I have lived with over the years have become friends ... and I mourn their loss especially if they are taken down without good reason.  We should nurture our trees and plant them when we can because they clean our air and give us oxygen to breath ... without them we wouldn't be here.  
Be safe, be well and pray for the people of Ukraine ... and the nullification of Putin(sorry, I can't be anything but angry when I see what he is doing to the people of Ukraine (and has done in the past to others).  

Andrea @ From the Sol


Christine said...

Beautiful photos of branches and leaves.

Taken For Granted said...

Wonderful series of photos featuring branches and leaves. I especially like your bird photos.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Wonderful post full of many beautiful things, each branch the next step in a journey. I'm always drawn to Tree's, branches and leaves. Thanks for sharing them all with us. Happy TAD Tracey x

Elephant's Child said...

Ooooh. Ahhhh.
And thank you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have certainly branched out here, Andrea! I am quite sure that the world needs a greater appreciation of trees more than just about anything else. They are the lungs of the planet, and without them we risk the entire biosphere that gives us life. We know all of this, yet we continue to destroy trees and forests at an alarming rate. We surely are the only species that in full knowledge destroys the only home we have. In the meantime, as a sideline, we destroy each other and the societies we have worked so hard to build. We create a system where one madman can trigger a nuclear Armageddon. If you can figure out all of this please let me know.

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely exquisite nature photography ~ favorite is the macro of the squirrel ~ Xo

Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Carola Bartz said...

What a lovely collection of wonderful photos. I am completely with you on trees - I am sad when they are taken down for no apparent reason; we certainly should nurture them instead because they are so good for our planet.
And I am with you on Ukraine and Putin.

Gillena Cox said...

Andrea you have made branches come alive. If we had not noticed before we surely pay attention now.
Thanks for dropping by my blog


Jeanie said...

What an astounding photographer you are, Andrea. These are beautiful. I'm especially enamored of the birds and that darling fat, fluffy gray squirrel. Wonderful.

Thanks for coming by my blog this week! Lovely to see you there!

Cloudia said...

Each of these are worth lingering over! There is really enough treasure here for a week's worth of great posts! Thank you friend

NatureFootstep said...

wow, I was stunned of the first set of birds but then blown away. Not sure how I could even start to comment on all the beautiful nature images :) Loved it! take care!

The Queen Jester said...

Such beautiful photos. I need to get my good camera up here in Minnesota. It is I, the Queen Jester, returning after a long hiatus. Hope you and your family are all well and that Russia will decide to leave Ukraine alone.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...