Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Farm Life

 Farm Life

So, I am assuming we did this prompt before because when I went looking through my pictures for farms, I  found these already prepared collages from my past.  But no worries ... I did a new picture and have added a few that didn't make it the last time :)

I grew up and still live in the Midwest farm country.  My father was a professor of Horticulture at the University of Illinois.  I spent a lot of time at the University Agriculture Barns where they had every kind of farm animal you could imagine.  They had a Percheron Stallion that was, at the time, the largest horse in the country.  He was awesome.  Sadly, I didn't carry my camera around at that point in my life, so I don't have pictures to share.


Fields +

This is going waaaaaaay back ... when I was 13, I spent 2 weeks with my friend on her Grandmother's farm.  While we were there we took care of the Milk cow's calf.  It was an awesome experience.  We went back years later to see her Grandmother and our little calf, by then a full grown cow, remembered us and came out of the herd to the fence to see us.  Animals are smarter than we give them credit for.

And finally, sketches, a little digital dirt and painted in Photoshop.  

Andrea @ From the Sol


Christine said...

Just wonderful farming recollections, so personal and beautiful.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love all these photos and your farm animals sketch. You know farms! And you're right, if we truly understood how smart and like us farm animals were, we probably would not, could not, eat them.

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous photos, I grew up in London so knew farm animals only from books! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Wonderful collages.
And, I agree, animals are MUCH smarter than many of us realise - with better memories too.

DVArtist said...

These are all just wonderful photos. Have a nice day.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

What a fabulous post, so many different variations from past to present. Animals are definitely smarter than they are made out to be. Thanks so much for sharing such a precious post. Tracey x

My name is Erika. said...

This challenge is right up your alley, isn't it? I loved seeing your collages. You have some great photos. That is a super eagle one. I'm happy to meet you also. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...Andrea, what a FABULOUS collection of farm life. In the '60s I studied Horticulture, one of my professors was a graduate of the University of Illinois. For 50 years I was in the nursery/landscape business. Each June I look forward to fresh homegrown strawberries. Take care and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We should not be surprised that animals are intelligent and have emotions too. Great collages of farm life you have put together, from different countries even.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, that´s a lot of farmlife. From all over the world. Loved to see teh different versions of farmlife you encountered. :) Especially taking care of the calf. :) A great post Andrea. :)

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 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...