Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Unicorns


This is a Unicorn painting done by my sister for my daughter's room when she was born.  It has stayed in the family and hung in grandchildren's rooms  but now, sadly, it is in a box.  I will find a good place for it ... perhaps a great grandchild will appear and it will once again grace a happy room. 😊

Another little wood carved household piece ... guess we have always been into Unicorns :)

Oh yes, and a picture holder with my DIL and my Granddaughter :)

My Izzi would have loved playing with a Unicorn.  Perhaps she will have the opportunity on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.  Hope you are all well and finding ways to support the Ukrainian people ... There are safe places to donate :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elephant's Child said...

Of course Izzi would have loved playing with a unicorn. I do hope that she can (and is).
I have donated to Doctors without Borders. And my heart and head continue to ache.

Christine said...

Lovely post on unicorns Andrea!

Gillena Cox said...

A lovely unicorn post, Andrea.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

It would be a shame to have the unicorn languish unseen. As you say,there may be a great grandchild on the horizon, but if not there must be another child who would enjoy it, and the satisfaction it has given to children (and doubtless a few adults too) will carry on. I hope so!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly you love unicorns! Your sister's painting makes me want to say "Hey unicorn, snag me some of those diamonds and jewels off that tree, willya?"

Rain said...

Andrea, I think Izzi is DEFINITELY playing with Unicorns! What a sweet post, I sure hope that first painting will find a home, it's beautiful! And I LOVE your Unicorn photo holder!!! ♥

Gillena Cox said...

Hi Andrea
Happy you dropped by to see my unicorn.

I invite you to visit and link

art for fun friday


NatureFootstep said...

wow, that´s a wonderful Unicorn. Such a great painting and shared so much joy.
I especially love it´s head. :)
You asked if we have black swans. Not really. But a few might flew up at times.

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 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...