Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Cold Moon


Cold Moon

I guess, having worked with owls for 16 years, what comes to mind when we talk about the moon are the beautiful owls that use the moon for their light at night.   Some of these pictures you have seen before, others are new :)  So Let's do it, my friends.  Let's make 2021 the year that we all found our way back to "normal" ... or better yet, happy, comfortable, positive "normal" :)  Happy New Year to all of you ...

Andrea @From the Sol

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Twas The Night Before Christmas

I am the worlds worst procrastinator when it comes to wrapping Christmas presents .  I used to love making fancy packages, but that desire went out the window the older I got ... so this is how my Christmas Eve looks 😅

That by no means  implies that I don't wish you a lovely
Christmas Eve and a joyous Christmas.  I have a Granddaughter here, so the fun begins.  I think Christmas mornings are for kids and without them it lacks something.
That said, my wish for you this year is that you are all
healthy and that you have chosen to stay safe at home with only those that you live with so that all of your friends and 
family can be safe as well.  

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Portraits


Granddaughter 1

Granddaughter 2

Granddaughter 2 at an earlier age

Digital Portrait of my DIL

Waiting ...

A Portrait of Love

My young beautiful neighbor

VanGogh Self Portrait

Three Izzi Portraits




My Young Mother

Stevie Wonder & Paul McCartney

President Kennedy

My FH in his office

This was fun ... I rarely hit the mark with portraits, but I keep trying.  Hope you are all well and staying safe as things just keep getting worse in the USA.  Are you all ready for Christmas, Ha!?  This has been a crazy year and I pray that 2021 will find us some relief.   :)

I left a note some time ago about my comments ... Thursdays tend to be busy for me so I often comment on Friday or even on Saturday ... so it is my hope that all of you will venture back to your posts now and then so you can see that I haven't forgotten you :)

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Cubism


I wasn't sure what to do with this prompt.  I thought I had never done "Cubism" art, but in looking through my files, I think I may have.  This first piece is an old piece that started out with a picture of a Cooper's Hawk.  

But, that was all I was able to find so I was forced to try to create my own ...
 Da Boyz


This is a purely digital attempt ... experiment .  I am not sure if it really fits the category of "Cubism" but if intentions mean anything, it will do.
Our country has exploded with Covid 19 ... it isn't safe anywhere and the vaccine is still in the future.  I pray that all of you who live here are heeding the precautions from the CDC.  It gets harder and harder to believe we will survive this.  Please stay safe and protect yourself as well as others.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Big Screen

 Big Screen

Dumbo was probably the first movie I ever saw and I'm pretty sure I was too young to remember it.  It was responsible for my years of elephant collecting however and my stuffed Dumbo was my "binky" :)

Roy Rogers was my favorite cowboy and when we played outside, I always had to be Roy.  My sisters fav was the Lone Ranger.  We used to argue about who was better.   Truth be known, I liked the Lone Ranger too, but I would never admit it. 

 It was about this time in my life (1950) that I learned
from my Grandfather that we had Indian blood in our
family.  I was very excited since Cowboys and Indians 
were a big part of my life (I was a tomboy from day one).
So when I went to the movie "Broken Arrow" I was 
enthralled with Cochise who, as far as I was concerned,
was the star of the movie.  He must have made a big impression on me because he was the first star I thought of
when Rain's prompt was Big Screen.

This movie just captured my heart ... it was a sad love story but, of course, it was about a hawk and a wolf, so it was a given that I would love it.  And it had the Frisian horse which made it even better.  I named Izzi, our dog, after the princess ... Izzi's full name is Isabeau :) I had every intention of drawing pictures of all the leading men, but it didn't happen, sorry :(

As, once upon a time I was a Johnny Depp fan, I, of course, loved these movies. But, I have to say that, though I like his movies, I am very disappointed in who Johnny Depp has become.  So time will tell, but there's a good chance I won't go to any more of his movies.  I don't want to support his bad behavior.

None of my movie choices are Block Busters or even wonderfully artistic, but I tried to choose movies that I liked for my own reasons all through my life.  I could have done more with this, but ran out of time so hope you enjoyed the little bit that I accomplished.

Andrea @ From the Sol


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...