Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday

( to see more birds ...
click on the logo)

Ringbill Seagulls

Sadly we are planning to move from our lake sometime in the near future.  It is a wonderful place, but the upkeep is too much for my old poop husband and myself, so the decision was made.  As a result, I weaned my birds off of my feeders last summer so they wouldn't be dependent on me one day and totally without the next.  And, these are about the only birds I see around the lake these days.  Yes, I will get out and about to find other birds, but it has been so cold, I am sticking close to home for now.  Hopefully when we settle into our new digs (once we find them) I will have a new set of feathered friends to photograph ... in the meantime, be patient with me :)



eileeninmd said...

Hello, Andrea! It is sad you are leaving your home near the lake. We may be doing the same thing in the near future. The house is too much to take care of in our golden years. I love your gulls on the ice. Where will you be moving too? Enjoy your day!

Edna B said...

So sorry to hear that you will be moving away from your lake. I know you'll really miss your birds. Hopefully, your new home will also have some beautiful birds visiting you. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

A Colorful World said...

Sorry you are having to move, but sometimes we have to make these choices. You will have other bird visitors I am sure in the new place.

NatureFootstep said...

brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, sleeping on the ice! But of course, they have good , protection in feathers :) Great shots Andrea :)

Stewart M said...

Shame that you have to leave the lake - maybe your next house will be next to the woods!

I am back in Melbourne after a great (and disconnected!) time in Tasmania - I dont think the two are completely linked, but you never know! Many, many pictures to come!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Dawn Hart said...

Sorry to hear you're moving and hope you are all well. It's been a while since I was last on the blogs, but hope to start blogging again very soon.
Dawn xxx

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