Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Scribble PIcnic

The New Year
The year 2018 will go down in history as the year when the United States did (or did not) stand up to a threat to their democracy . The Resistance Movements will lead the way to undo the choke hold of the oligarchs on those who are supposed to be leaders and protectors of our constitution, but have made deals with the devil and are beholden to him and no longer to their constituents ... So we have a "Tax Cut" that takes from the poor and gives to the rich including the president who will gain millions of dollars, we have millions thrown off their medical insurance, we have our National Parks being handed over to  drilling, fracking, logging and mining, our withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, our elections being manipulated by a foreign power and our government denying or ignoring it, Misogyny being normalized and our clean water act being reversed.  We have a president who is more interested in undoing what Obama accomplished than in keeping his campaign promises about jobs, infrastructure, the rights of the Dreamers, racial and religious equality ... and this president thinks Nazis and White Supremacists are nice people.  So that is what I am thinking about this new year ... how do we stop this disaster.  I am looking to the women of our country to continue what they started on February 21st, 2017 ... Resisting all of it and inspiring all right minded people to step up and fight to get our country back.


Interested in Resistance?  ... here is a list of some groups who will provide contacts, inspiration and information:



Rain said...

Hi Andrea :) I am not much into politics, and I don't read the news, but I am aware of the wonderful women who found their courage and spoke up. Lovely piece and lovely post! :)

Christine said...

Inspiring work your New Year piece is!

Serena Lewis said...

I hear you, Andrea! It’s very worrying and disappointing for sure. Trump has done so much damage in his short time in office. On a positive note, I LOVE your illustration to depict the resistance.

Happy New Year to's hoping for positive change.

Elephant's Child said...

My thoughts and hopes are firmly with you.

Lorraine said...

I have never in my life felt myself so divided from close friends and co-workers as I have this year. It's been mind-numbing to learn they are so willing to compromise their values and....well, I won't go on as it only serves to conjure negative feelings and I hope and pray that that can change. Wishing you (and all of us) a better 2018 if that's possible.

Michael said...

Happy New Year, Andrea! As I prefer our collaborative remain as such, choosing to focus on what unites rather than divides, I can't really comment here but to say Bravo for experimenting with Photoshop or whatever tool you are using here. I'm really impressed with how technically savvy you are. Keep it up. Thanks, as always, for your support and contributions to our weekly picnics.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

It is not my intention to divide, but to remove the elements that are causing the divisions and return to an environment based on honesty and the values we grew up with that included opportunity and equality for everyone ... and the protection of our natural resources. We are on the same page, Micheal and I know you want our country to do better that what is happening now.


Wanda said...

Scribble Picnic is a place to share our art...not a platform for our political views. We all have political views, but our art is something we can all share evenly. I always enjoy your art as you are very talented.

Mary said...

Peace on earth - hardly likely - but please not let's muddy the waters here on Michael's fabulous blog. I would prefer politics were not part of this fun picnic.

Here's to a better year - good health and much happiness Andrea.

Wanda said...

Andrea, I think I owe you an apology for my last comment. It hit me that I have painted my religious view at Christmas and I know the this meme is not for political or religious platforms. So please accept my apology and look forward to lots more art from both of us in the future. Hoping you have a great New least it is NEW. haha.

Stewart M said...

Wonderful. The resistance has friends and allies all over the world - and we all need all the help we can get.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...