Friday, January 5, 2018

Paint Party Friday

- 27 Wind Chill



Pam said...

Very pretty. Now that the holidays are over and out of the way I need to pull out my paints. I have decided as a goal to put the acrylics aside for a bit and work with my oils more. I love the feel of the oils under my brush so much better than acrylics. I hope to be able to try my hand at watercolors this yr.

Linda Kunsman said...

such a pretty scene and yes baby it IS COLD outside - brrrr. Happy New Year and a happy PPF too!

Christine said...

Beautiful wintry trees!

sirkkis said...

Wow, what a wonderful scene. Love the snow man, too ❤
Happy PPF and inspirational year 2018 🌠💕

Elephant's Child said...

Colour me jealous.
I find it MUCH easier to get warm than to cool down.

SandeeNC said...

Love the digital art, it looks like ice crystals forming the art.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HAY NEW YEAR to you. This is a gorgeous photograph

Latane Barton said...

Perfect!! I love it.

DVArtist said...

This captures the cold for sure. Stay warm.

leekrek said...

great scene, and its freezing here

Cindy Dauer said...

Oooh it totally looks so cold! Also I am in Illinois and it feels just like that looks! Happy 2018!

NatureFootstep said...

I love this one. It is very beautiful and surly shars the cold in a gorgeous way. :)

Rain said...

That's so pretty! And very realistic! Jack Frost is making my world look that way too!!! :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...