Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Finland/ Scandinavian



Pam said...

Great job. I love it.

Wanda said...

This is so lovely. I think the Fin's would applaud this. So do I. Wonderful take on a difficult theme....unless you are Finnish..haha

Elephant's Child said...


Christine said...

Oh yes, we were thinking alike! Love what you've done here!

lissa said...

this looks good. I like the pattern that formed the deer. great take on the theme.

have a lovely day.

Serena Lewis said...

OH, so PRETTY!!! Great job, Andrea!

Lorraine said...

I love it! The deer with the hearts is beautiful. Certainly does remind me of Scandinavian art.

Tammie Lee said...

So sweet. Love the x's for stitching an the bird.

joeks said...

Oh, how pretty. And definitely Scandinavian!

Edna B said...

This is quite interesting. Your artwork is getting quite good. I loved your photos of the Coopers Hawk. Gosh, that was such a brave squirrel! Hopefully, he got away before he became a tasty meal. Pogo sends woofs to Izzi. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Mary said...

This is really beautiful Andrea - I would love to embroider/cross stitch it on a sweater!
Also, what a pretty coaster it would make to set that now most welcome mug of hot chocolate on. . . . . . . winter weather has arrived here,

Michael said...

Beautifully done, Andrea! i love the "stitching" on the antlers in particular. This would make any Finn proud! :)

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