Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Generosity seems to come naturally for many species, but the human animal has managed to let greed and hate smother his generous instincts and is turning our world into turmoil.  Nature always wins out in the end, though, so it would behoove some people to rethink!



Rain said...

Wonderful Andrea! I couldn't agree more. :) I much prefer the company of my pets than most humans out there. Lovely drawing! :)

Wanda said...

This just melts my heart. We have experience this kind of generosity from cats that we have had with litters.

How precious is nature, and animals teach us so much about life, don't they.

Elephant's Child said...

Love your 'scribble'. Echo your thoughts.

Latane Barton said...

I love it. Mama cat is more than generous to share her bounty with a 'baby from another mother. hehe

Christine said...

A mother's generosity, aww! Beautiful job you've done.

lissa said...

I see a squirrel there which I didn't notice right away. cute drawing.

have a lovely day.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh what a darling drawing!! That kitty is sweet to take care of the baby squirrel! catchatwithcarenandcody

Edna B said...

Your drawing is adorable. Animals are really awesome. You and Izzi have a great weekend. Hugs, Edna B.

Pam said...

Love your drawing. Awesome job with the kitties.

Lorraine said...

What a generous and loving mama cat. Such a heartwarming scene.

Michael said...

Did my comment go through? I don't see comment moderation on but am checking before retyping!

joeks said...

Such a generous mama cat, and a grateful little squirrel!

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