Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Toy ...
Yes, I have a son who loved his loader and anything else that had a motor.  He has always been a hands on kind of guy and now works as a heavy equipment operator ... I think his loader, which is big enough for me to stand in, is still a toy to him.  



Edna B said...

What a cute drawing. My son loved his trucks too. As he got older, he gravitated to the ocean and finally to the Navy subs. There's nothing quite like a little boy (even when they are all grown up). Hope you and Izzi had a wonderful Halloween. Pogo sends woofs to Izzi. You have a super day, Hugs, Edna B.

Rain said...

That's cute Andrea, boys and their toys! Very nice scribble! :)

Serena Lewis said...

Wonderful take on the theme, Andrea! This brings back memories as my kids LOVED playing in the sandpit with their various toys including the odd loader or two. :)

Christine said...

Wonderful memories here, well done!

Lorraine said...

Oh what a memory. My son had a bunch of those Tonka trucks and loved to play with them. Great idea!

Oman said...

i miss my childhood days :)

Michael said...

OOh, I had a comment and it disappeared jsut as I was about to hit submit. Anyway, funny about your son--boys will be boys! Ha, even I as a young boy, loved my dump trucks and such! :) now I have a mini sized car though. lol

This is a great story and addition for toys. Thank you.

Oh, and btw, no more scary for quite a while I think. I really do infinitely prefer Christmas--so much so that Alexandra and I got married in December jsut so we could have that winter charm around. :) anyway, thank you for bearing with me through the inktobers and even leaving thoughtful comments on stuff not your natural forte. In fact, the aren't mine either. I never watch horror, for example--would have nightmare! I do love to probe subjects though once settled on something.

joeks said...

Our son still "plays" with his "toys" now too, as he farms with us. :-) And our grandson has a sand "construction site" at his house, and also pulls out the digging toys whenever he comes to visit!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...