Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

King Fisher

This little character has lived on my lake for years, but every time I hear him and run for my camera, he is gone before I get back.  But this time I fooled him.  I spotted him from my loft in the house and snuck out of my house with the camera and got several shots before he took off ... Alas, it made my day!



Elephant's Child said...

What an absolute charmer.n Love his 'so' too.

A Colorful World said...

Awesome capture! Glad you outsmarted him!

mick said...

I love that kingfisher, It is different from any I have ever seen out here. Do the feathers on the head always stay fluffed up like that. The photo you took of the bird just taking flight is fantastic1

Lea @ Lea's Menagerie said...

Wonderful photos of the Kingfisher!
It is very rare that I get a photo of one. They are so elusive
Have a great day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Good gotcha! What a crazy looking bird - I can relate!
Wren x

Edna B said...

What a beautiful bird! I've never seen one of them close up. We don't have any where I am. Your photos are wonderful.

Pogo sends woofs to Izzi. You and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, hugs, Edna B.

NatureFootstep said...

congratulations :) I love them too. A great family of birds :)

Re the bullfinch: our winterbirds don´t go far. They breed in the forests so you rarely see them in summer and early fall. They comes out of there in late fall.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :) Those are great photos...what a mane on that fella! :)
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! :)

Stewart M said...

Nice shots - if it's a Belted Kingfisher (which it probably is not!) I remember watching them years ago on a trip to the US. Great birds.

The cats seem to have settled in, and even seem to enjoy each others company at times. That being said, Mr. Hudson did object to Freda attacking and chewing on his tail! I think he may have been justified in his objection!!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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