Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Mystery Bird
Try as I may, I have been unable to identify this bird.  I spotted it way up in a tree in the wetlands section of the Nature Center,  I can't see enough field markers to be sure what it is ... open to suggestions from those with a better eye than I have :)

Again it is hard to be sure about this bird, but I think it is a immature Meadow Lark, both because of what I can see of it's markings and because I was being serenaded by a Meadow Lark as I walked.



Michelle said...

I can't offer a suggestion, but I do like the photos.

eileeninmd said...

I am not sure where you are located with this bird. It is pretty nice shots. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

Elephant's Child said...

Colour me clueless - but it is a delight to see them anyway.

A Colorful World said...

He's beautiful, whatever he is!

Louisette said...

Wonderfull birds

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Immatures drive me nuts! You are probably right. The pictures are lovely with the bokay effect highlighting this little beauty.

Edna B said...

I'm not sure what bird it is, but it sure is beautiful. Today we're enjoying a lovely summer day, not too warm and a gorgeous breeze to keep things comfy. Hope your weather is super too. Pogo sends woofs to Izzi. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Rohrerbot said...

What area/state/country did you take these pictures in?

Stewart M said...

Sorry to say I can't be much help here! One of the joys / frustrations of birding!

I think Jackdaw's name could be onomatopoeic, its call is a 'jack, jack' rather than a 'caw, caw' of many other crows - but that's a bit of a guess.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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