Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Curly Horned Goat

Digital enhancements 



Unknown said...

What a handsome fellow! I've always been fascinated by those big curled horns. Wonder what it feels like to have them attached to your head?

Christine said...

Curly horns! Why didn't I think of that, seriously, a lovely piece. Interesting to see the digital enhancements.

Elephant's Child said...

As always, colour me impressed.

Latane Barton said...

You did a great job. I'd hate for that thing to come after me. His curly horns look lethal.

Tammie Lee said...

absolutely charming
great curls too

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

those are FAR from "scribbles" they are FABULOUS!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Mary said...

Andrea this is such a wonderful illustration of a goat with such gorgeous curled horns.
Love how you were able to layer your art on to the pretty sky. Are you one of those PhotoShop wizards? Never had to patience to learn how to use that

Ida said...

They all look great. I like the edition of the sky in the last shot.

Michael said...

OK, I think I already submitted here but maybe you have moderation on or maybe I lost it? Anyway, CURLED horns is a great idea. Would never have thought of that and I like the 2nd to last one the best. Well done! Thank you for bringing Ram to the Picnic! :)

Michael said...

It was CURLY! lol.

pilch92 said...

That came out great.

Serena Lewis said...

OH Andrea, I absolutely love your curly-horned goat...nice work!

Lorraine said...

Oh, what a great take on the theme. Wonderfully done!

Janis Cox said...

What a great idea!! Lovely sketch. Love the eyes - he is really looking at me.

Jennifer Rose said...

Those horns are well done :) Can be very heavy when you hold the real ones too

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