Friday, April 21, 2017

Paint Party Friday



Jutta K. Germany said...

Warm regards

Elephant's Child said...

We live in hope...

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ha!!! I was going to say the same thing as Elephant's Child lol catchatwithcarenandcody

NatureFootstep said...

no good comes with that man, but maybe, the woman seem to have gotten a wakeup call.

DVArtist said...

I agree there is no good in this man or his kids. We are in for a bad time of it and it will echo the world. War is eminent with this guy.

Dena Ann said...

If only...

Giggles said...

Wise little owl made me giggle!!

Hugs Giggles

Stewart M said...

Every day is a day closer to the election or impeachment - which ever comes first!!

We did sleep on the floor - with camping mats - and that was fine. I done it a few times before, although it was a bit more of a novelty for H. We did have a brief attack of a giant ant, but it was dealt with in a rather unsympathetic manner. And we did see a snake on the walk back, a rather good view of a Tiger Snake in fact. It was a great little trip - about 12km each way.

Hope all is well.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

denthe said...

yes please, make him go away ..... the world would surely be a safer place without the likes of him and that madman from N-Korea. They fit well together and should just disappear :-(

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...