Friday, April 7, 2017

Paint Party Friday




Elephant's Child said...

Smite them quickly please.

denthe said...

Strong piece and a firm message. I can't believe these Republicans. In this time and age ... I don't have words ....

JFM said...

Abdrea, "SHAME" is putting it mildly!!! It seems that no lives are sacred anymore~

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

OMG - really?! That is... beyond words.
Nice rendering, Andrea. I also wanted to let you know that the spring coloring page is now finished and ready for download with many more details :)

Giggles said...

How barbaric! Wonderful art with a great message!!

Hugs Giggles

DVArtist said...

I agree this is a powerful piece. What the republicans are doing in all manners is pure ignominy, but this is the demise of their humanity.

Laila said...

Clear message and strong art. Lovely!

Julie said...

Powerful art, as an animal advocate and vegan this is very upsetting to me.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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