Thursday, November 27, 2014

Good Fences

You can see there are two fences here.  The first is a railing on one of many over passes on the expressway ... the second was built after we had a rash of accidents on the expressway caused by people throwing stuff, mostly rocks at the cars below.  I am thankful for this fence, but not thankful for the kind of behavior that required it to be built.


TexWisGirl said...

wow. sad when those things happen. thanks for linking, andrea! happy thanksgiving!

Elephant's Child said...

Like the fence - loathe the reason for its installation. Sometimes I despair of our race. Often I despair.

Sylvia K said...

That is a sad reason for having the fence put up!! Ah, a crazy world we have indeed!! Great fence shot for the day, however!!

Unknown said...

Great picture with all those lines - I like it! :)
Many people got killed because of that behaviour
here in Germany :(

Happy Thanksgiving!


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Two for the price of one. great fence post.

Ida said...

Yes I can see why it was necessary and I so agree people can sometimes do the stupidest things.

Brian King said...

Yeah, it's too bad people do things that require a fence in this situation.

eileeninmd said...

Some people do crazy things.. I am glad for the fences if they keep people safe.. Have a happy weekend!

The Queen Jester said...

Like the fence, not the reason. They have some really lovely ones down here. At least the reason for the fence is decorative. I'll have to photo those for Good Fences.

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