Friday, May 31, 2013

Feline Friday

Feline Friday #40
Link to Burnt Food Dude

Confidence ...


Sandee said...

They certainly have confidence. It may be those nine lives too.

Have a terrific Feline Friday. ☺

stevebethere said...

LOL I love the balancing act :-)

Ha fantabulosa weekend ;-)

Mike Golch said...

of just being silly.

Da Dude said...

A circus cat walking the tight rope (railing).

Have a great weekend


Unknown said...

They do love doing that!

The Queen Jester said...

Oh that takes my breath away, but he looks very confident.

Elephant's Child said...

I would love to be as agile as a cat, to be as flexible as a cat, to relax as well as a cat. And a little of their confidence wouldn't go astray either.

Kathe W. said...

thay have NO fear!!! Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

Cats just love a challenge!

Jeanne said...

Cats do seem to have such amazing balance, and certainly no fear of heights. I have a big beam at my cabin which runs the length of the house between floors supporting the loft, and my daughters cat was running along the beam. No for me. I can hardly stand in one spot...

Helena said...

Gee. Just sitting there quite the thing. I wish I had the confidence for a balancing

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