Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday #42
Paying Ready Attention

The Pelicans have all gone to the north to their many nesting places.  They were a joy to watch once again.  I do hope they will continue to use our lake as a resting place.  Interestingly, they don't stop here on their return trip ... hmmmmm.

There is one short story to tell that sheds some light on the wonder of nature ... I was outside when I saw what I think was the last group of Pelicans taking off across the lake ... they began their climb, riding the thermals higher and higher ... then suddenly one broke ranks and slowly glided back down to the lake.  The others seemed to continue to climb, but when they realize one was missing, they came back.  They spent the day on the lake ... the next day I wasn't home and by the following day, they were gone.  I love how they came to take care of their own ... I know the geese do it and I wonder how many other species do it.  It is a lesson man could learn from ... I do so love nature!

Onward and Upward, my friends ... 


Sandee said...

What a lovely post this is. Taking care of your own. I like that and we should take heed.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Brian King said...

Great flight shots! I love the first photo, too, all in a row! Nice silhouettes!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful birds and great captures for the day, Andrea!! Thanks for sharing!!

Edna B said...

I just love these photos. You get some wonderfully different birds at your lake. I hope they continue to stop by. It has to be so exciting to anticipate who or what will show up next. You have a fabulous day my friend. Pogo sends licks and hugs to Izzi for making his day such fun. Hugs, Edna B.

MTWaggin said...

Very wonderful tale and I've been seeing your pelican friends in my area in the past couple of weeks!

mick said...

Great photos of the Pelicans and very interesting description of the action between them.

eileeninmd said...

The pelicans are one of my favorite birds, great shots and post.

Unknown said...

Great words and photos! Thanks!

Karen said...

I love pellies! Excellent captures.

Arija said...

Your pelicans have the oddest bill, i have never seen a pelican with a lump on it before. So interesting to see them in profile so that the feature becomes apparent.

Elephant's Child said...

How simply lovely. I wonder why that pelican didn't feel ready to make the flight - and love that the others came back. And yes, if only we behaved as 'ethically' as the 'dumb animals' the world would be a better place.

Stewart M said...

Pelicans are great birds - I have way too many pictures of them!

Start saving and panhandling! Australia is a great place to visit - but make sure you stop in on Melbourne so I can say hello! I think you write the longest comments on my blog - which, by the way, is a good thing!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

It was fun for Bill to see them when he was home. They were when I got home, so I got towatch them, too. I like the first photo best. Cool!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots! Pelicans are very interesting birds.

Wally Jones said...

What a wonderful post!
Like Stewart, I take way too many pictures of Pelicans, but I can't help myself!
I love the way white pelicans cooperatively fish and fly.

Thank you for sharing your birds!

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