Thursday, April 4, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art
Well, I always thought I was "Right Brained", but then after reading Bonnie's post today, I looked at my stuff and I am not so sure.  I think there is some "Left Brain" in there ... hmmmmm.  No wonder I am so confused most of the time.  I must be "Bi Brained".  Has the AMA come out with any publications on "Bi Brain"?  If they have, I bet it's not good news.  Oh well, it is what it is so here are my "Bi Brain" Collages.   
Jumbo the Elephant was brought to America in 1885 by Barnum & Bailey Circus.  He was so popular that he was used in all kinds of advertising.  These are advertising cards that were collected  like trading cards back in the day :)
Elmer Elephant was the predecessor to Dumbo back in the 1930's.
This glassware was produced to commemorate Jumbo.  This is a Jumbo Spooner and a Brown Sugar Bowl.  You can't really see it well, but on the base of the handle of the Brown Sugar Bowl is the head of Barnum.
 This weekend is Izzi's first Agility Trial of the season.  Can't wait ...
 That's all Folks ... another fun week at PAF ... Spring is here.  The lake finally has open water and the migrating water birds are showing up.
  Life is Good!
Izzi  Photo's by Steve Delaney of Paw Print Pictures


Elephant's Child said...

Right, left, bi? Somedays I would settle for any brain.
Another magical post. I loved your elephants, adore Izzi (and hope the agility trial is a success) and really like the juxtaposition of pondering pussy cat, sunflower and bird.

Miriam said...

Goodness me, you did have some fun with this and interesting facts about Jumbo too. Hope Izzy does well, I like her collages best. The cat and the bird is such fun,
is the little bird her dream? Like you I found Bonnie's writing about the brain so interesting, I'm with you in the Bi Brained class.

Anonymous said...

Another interesting art week. Good luck at the Trial. Have fun!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

These are delightful, Andrea! What a great way to feature and display some of your wonderful collections!

I think you've coined a new word 'bi-brain'. Actually you are not far off, the optimum way to function is called whole brain thinking - having easy access to the attributes of both sides. It's clear YOU do!

The Queen Jester said...

You do seem to be truly using both sides of your brain and that is something I belive women do best.

Your images are stunning - I love the ones of Izzy doing the agility course but my favorite is the cat and bird sitting side by side.

But then again, it's that cat thing with me!

MTWaggin said...

Sterling's first AKC trial this weekend as well. Good luck you to you and Iz.

Marilyn said...

Bravo! You've been busy with all these fun collages. Love the dogs.

Currie Silver said...

BEautimousness in so many forms!! I am no help whatsoever in the brain department. all I know is it is far more than right and left and as your post shows, it has magical qualities rarely so deLIGHTfully explored.
Go Izzy!!
Gracie joins me in sending you our love and Gratitude.

Anonymous said...

Love the collages with Izzy! So fun and playful!

Ida said...

Oh my goodness these are delightful. You did a fabulous job with them. Loved reading about Jumbo the Elephant and what a great collection of cards you put into that collage.
Izzy's photo collages were wonderful and I hope the agility trials go well.
Absolutely loved that last one with the kitty.
Well done!

Edna B said...

Wowee. These are stunning! My favorites, of course, are Izzi's pictures and the one with the cat and the bird.

Your Izzi is just beautiful. And so smart! These are wonderful shots of him in action.

I know how that cat feels, longing for those long, warm and lazy days where sunshine, critters and birds are in abundance. I can almost see him running through the daisy filled fields, chasing a fat little mouse.

Yup, these are the days when life gets good again. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Rain Frances Creations ... Favorite Animals

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