Paying Ready Attention
The Pelicans have all gone to the north to their many nesting places. They were a joy to watch once again. I do hope they will continue to use our lake as a resting place. Interestingly, they don't stop here on their return trip ... hmmmmm.
There is one short story to tell that sheds some light on the wonder of nature ... I was outside when I saw what I think was the last group of Pelicans taking off across the lake ... they began their climb, riding the thermals higher and higher ... then suddenly one broke ranks and slowly glided back down to the lake. The others seemed to continue to climb, but when they realize one was missing, they came back. They spent the day on the lake ... the next day I wasn't home and by the following day, they were gone. I love how they came to take care of their own ... I know the geese do it and I wonder how many other species do it. It is a lesson man could learn from ... I do so love nature!
Onward and Upward, my friends ...