Friday, October 5, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Figure(s) is this weeks prompt.  If you said "Figures" to my husband he would come back with numbers, math, calculations ... Ugh!  But, in my mind, a Figure is a shape, form, an edge or outline that your brain interprets and identifies.  It is an artistic mode by which facts, ideas, moods, thoughts or feelings are defined.  It can be straight or curved, black, white or colored ... Good Grief!  What a prompt!  Is this fun or what?

I tried to pick pictures where the figure itself (shape of it) defined what you see.  Then I played :)

This is the original picture which is an old picture that had already been altered with a gradient overlay.
In PSE I removed the color and  put it through filters ...

Accented Edges then Fresco Filters for this effect ...
 Accented Edges, Poster Edges, Fresco

Poster edges  with pdpa Bluebells texture overlay

Now I am working with pdpa mauve threads texture as a background.  Another texture layer of my own put on at 50% then the orange painted cutout of the egret added.  If I was successful, the motion should move your eye from left to right :) 
In my next set I lifted out pictures of my granddaughter and my dog using the selection brush and magic extractor.  I then converted to black and white and used the pencil edges filter giving me the minimal outline.  I tweaked them with brightness/contrast to bring out a little of the detail.  I then put them together on a Black background.
I also used lighting effect to get a little shadowing ...
original picture with neon edges filter ... once again form/shape is the focus

 Using my granddaughter, I used the selection brush and magic extractor.  Using another of my own texture backgrounds that implies motion, I put the pictures on at 70% with a reflection in the back.

Using my own background, I added a second texture at 30& then added the owl at 70%.  I used a lights effect filter to bring out some detail ... but form remains the focus.

I had so much fun with this prompt ... my file is full of pictures I didn't use.  Maybe another day, but didn't want to overdo :)
Hope your week is full of sunshine ...


Anonymous said...

wow! these are amazing! you surprised me with each of them. I looked at the first shoot and it's editions and I loved it then I looked more and I was in shock how many great ideas you came up with! great work!!!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

WOW - I'm lost for words! All of your images are captivating and work so well with the theme. Love the ones with your grandaughter and the dog.
Think my favorite is the one with the egrets partially in orange and the mauve threads texture. (I love the things that texture does - but very few folks use it!)

Thank you for your kind comments Andrea and for sharing your artistry with Photo Art Friday.

Elephant's Child said...

Ooooh. You could keep going for a long, long time before I had enough. Awe and wonder from here. Thank you so much.

Ida said...

Wow these are fabulous. I am really loving the Piece with the Egrets.

Edna B said...

Wow. Your imagination and creativity are fabulous! So many ideas that I never even thought of. These are just wonderful. Now I'm off to catch some winks. Yu have a great night, Edna B.

Currie Silver said...

So inspiring to see all the fun play you got out of these. Makes me eager to try out more daring feats in PSE8, but I am going to keep note of them and save them for another day.

I love all of it, by the way, and I so SOOOOOOO appreciate your how-to along with it.

Miriam said...

I just love the Egrets Andrea. It is so lovely to see how much you were inspired by this prompt.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...