Thursday, February 29, 2024

Rain Frances Creations, TADD ... Eggs


A pipping Barn Owl ...

We raised Barn Owls from eggs at the Rehab Facility while participating in a Research Project involving diminishing numbers in the area.

Hand fed while wearing Owl costumes

Then raised by surrogate parents

Put in the flight cage to gain strength and to learn to hunt live prey and finally released to the wild with telemetry so they could be tracked for as long as the telemetry lasted.


New Art

That's it for today ... Tomorrow is the first day of March, a month of interesting weather and my birthday Month.  Hope it brings all of you some joy ...

Andrea @ from the Sol


Taken For Granted said...

The Owl project is terrific. The fluffy young ones are cute. Hope these successfully swell the owl population.

Christine said...

Lovely take on eggs Andrea!

Jenn Jilks said...

Soon it will be time for eggs in nests! Happy March.

Jeanie said...

Every single one of your photos of those birds/owls just take my breath away. What a gift to have had the opportunity to experience that. I am in awe!

Today, no eggs or art but I do have food to bring to the table -- pesto!

Carola Bartz said...

What a wonderful wonderful post, Andrea. I love your egg pictures, those little owls are just adorable. We once witnessed a pait of Great Horned Owls raising two owlets in an eucalyptus tree near "my" lake and it sometimes was heart stopping - when one the owlets fell out of the nest and spent a few days at the Bird Rescue Center before it was brought back and fortunately taken back by the parents. We "followed" them for weeks until the little ones were old enough - it was so rewarding. Have a lovely weekend - Carola

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...