Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Leaves and Branches

 Leaves and Branches

Branches serve so many purposes in life. They often appear with visitors using them as a resting
 place ...  (click to enlarge for a better look)

or nesting  and finding food ...

Sometimes there presence is just glorious ...

And you will always find them in art ...


Most branches come with leaves and they too are one of Nature's works of art ...

They are also fun to play in ...
but not so fun to clan up ...

I have many more pictures of branches and leaves.  They are a favorite of mine and I can't resist a good shot when I see one.
Some trees that I have lived with over the years have become friends ... and I mourn their loss especially if they are taken down without good reason.  We should nurture our trees and plant them when we can because they clean our air and give us oxygen to breath ... without them we wouldn't be here.  
Be safe, be well and pray for the people of Ukraine ... and the nullification of Putin(sorry, I can't be anything but angry when I see what he is doing to the people of Ukraine (and has done in the past to others).  

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday Art Date with Rain ... Aviary

A Large Cage, building or enclosure for keeping Birds in.

The Aviary I am going to show you is at our Raptor Rehab facility.  Housing for a raptor is referred to as a Mew, but the definition fits "aviary" perfectly.  

Below is the mew for our Barred Owl.  He is a permanent resident because he is imprinted on humans so cannot be released to the wild.  

There was a special building for the Rehab birds with several mews of varying sizes in it.  The Great Horned Owl nestlings and branchlings starting out in small cages until they were examined and treated if necessary then they were put in a mew, sometimes alone or with siblings, sometimes with a surrogate Parent GHO, to start preparing them to be released.

The Weathering yard was used to let the birds get outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

The Flight cage was used to allow injured birds to regain their strength and the young birds to learn and practice flight. Part of the process was to allow hunting live game which we provided.  

Another "Aviary" I am connected with is the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wisconsin
(Wildlife center featuring all 15 species of cranes) 

The International Crane Foundations has mated pairs of all 15 of the worlds Crane species.  As all Crane populations are decreasing in number and most are considered endangered.  They have a staff that travels to all the different countries where the Cranes are found to help teach them ways to protect the habitat and save the birds.  My friend and I have visited the location on many occasions as well as attending their fund raising events. 

 For more information and pictures of the International Crane Foundation:

 International Crane Foundation

All for now folks ... have a great week :)

Andrea @ From The Sol


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... A Fond Moment

 "A" Fond Moment

"A"Fond Moment?  Who has only one fond moment.  I could fill pages with fond moments so coming up with "A" Fond Moment is next to impossible ... So I will spare you a lifetime review and just post a few fond moments for lack of time and space to post all of them.

Getting married has to be high on the list of Fond Moments ...

Having kids is another endless source of fond moments ... so where to begin or end?

And from kids I naturally go to my two wonderful Granddaughters ...

I could write a book about all of the fond moments I shared with Izzi ... She was so much a part of our lives .  I have had many dogs in my lifetime and I loved them all dearly, but Izzi was more than a dog ... she was a friend and constant companion.  She was family and we still miss her ...

Our Boyz, Chachi and Fonzi , who were born in the guest room closet (a long story) added too many fond moments to count.

Being a Nurse ... oh, I could tell stories upon stories ... most of them Fond Moments, some, not so much ...

Volunteering at the Raptor Rehab Facility was another glorious experience loaded with fond  moments and once again, I can only share a few highlights. 

My trips to Thailand were loaded with fond moments ...

And Switzerland ...

and on and on and on ... In reality, I have been blessed with a lifetime of Fond Moments and I am ever so grateful for each and every one.  As time has run out, I wish you all a Happy Easter and remember ... it's not over until it is over, so stay safe!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...