Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Scribble Picnic

My first try with water colors and I used black ink for definition ... have you ever had a shoe sucked off your foot by mud?  I have ... it was fun at the time, but my Mother wasn't happy when I got home, Ha!


P. S.  Happy Valentines Day everyone :)


Christine said...

Yuck! And yes I in fact lost one shoe tromping over a lake bed. Luckily I survived. One does strange things at 18. Lovely take on the theme.

Wanda said...

HaHaHa...Oh I love this. That is some mush!! Yes, I've had that happen. Great take on Mushy. Good job of watercolor too.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I LOVE this, it really made me laugh. Yes! That has happened to me when wearing flip flops in the muddy woods (mistake!)...ssssshhhlump! There goes the flip flop lol! How exciting that you are trying watercolours! You will fall in love. :) Happy Valentine's Day!!! xxx

Serena Lewis said...

It turned out great, Andrea! And yes, I have been in similar muddy predicaments. haha

Tammie Lee said...

oh yes, I have had this happen.
Your piece makes me smile.

Kristin Dudish said...

Hahahaha!!! Yes! I have ha a shoe sucked off by mud & you've recreated it beautifully... I can hear the sucking noise perfectly!

Lorraine said...

Oh, it was wet sand for me on a short trip. And luckily I had an extra pair of shoes and socks with me! Sure was mushy. Great job with the watercolors.

pilch92 said...

Good job. Happy Valentine's Day!

Trina said...

Water colors look great. Nice idea for the theme this week.

Michael said...

Ooh, what a clever interpretation of the theme, Andrea. And look like you are getting the hang of the watercolours too. (I struggle with those paints as it’s hard to get rich colour unless using the tube kind which Ive never had.)

Ah yes, muddy walks and sucked off wellies. I have so many memories of such. Funny how it goes from fun as a kid when not the one to have to clean them to a nuisance later! :)

The new theme details are up on the blog btw. Thanks!

Mary said...

I'd prefer to be stuck in clean, fresh snow than hard to clean up mushy mud!
Great idea for the theme Andrea!

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