Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Generosity seems to come naturally for many species, but the human animal has managed to let greed and hate smother his generous instincts and is turning our world into turmoil.  Nature always wins out in the end, though, so it would behoove some people to rethink!


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

King Fisher

This little character has lived on my lake for years, but every time I hear him and run for my camera, he is gone before I get back.  But this time I fooled him.  I spotted him from my loft in the house and snuck out of my house with the camera and got several shots before he took off ... Alas, it made my day!


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Scribble Picnic


This is a common Christmas scene at our house ... those of you who have cats will know what I mean.  I don't know a cat that can resist a ribbon on a package :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday


A small group of Loons spent a few days resting on our lake as they migrate back to a warmer climate.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Scribble Picnic



Izzi will steal anything off of the counter if given the chance ... and a cookie would be a choice tidbit :)  Thanks Micheal ... this was fun :)


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Flight Training at the Nature Center
 Technically this bird is not in the wild though he will always be a wild bird.  He is a rehab bird being kept by our Raptor Organization because he cannot be returned to the wild ... but when I saw these pictures I thought it was an opportunity to see a magnificent Red Tail in flight.  Enjoy ...


He is being flown on a creance line so he can't fly off, but eventually we will be able to remove the line and even send him into the trees and he will return to the glove.   It is truly an awesome experience ...


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Scribble Picnic

Toy ...
Yes, I have a son who loved his loader and anything else that had a motor.  He has always been a hands on kind of guy and now works as a heavy equipment operator ... I think his loader, which is big enough for me to stand in, is still a toy to him.  


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...