Friday, February 17, 2017

Paint Party Friday

There's a snake in the grass ...



Gillena Cox said...

Yikes!!! good painting

Happy PPF

much love...

Robin said...

Hi Andrea! What a great post. Your snake could be a little scary. Great job on colors background and that forked tongue! From a person who doesn't like snakes, this is a cool one! Happy PPF and have a GREAT week! Hugz, Rasz

NatureFootstep said...

and is toxic as well.

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

Coming from PPF, I really did not want to see a snake... Your drawing is great though and I know snakes are or rather feel really nice to the touch (contrary what many people think), but seeing them especially from the front, gives me the creeps.

Fran said...

Yes! Great work

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Is this anyone recently elected to higher office? (Sorry, couldn't resist; promise I won't do it again.)

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